View Synthesis by Image Interpolation

Investigators: Steve Seitz, Chuck Dyer

We have devised a provably-correct automated technique for creating new views of a scene from two basis views of the same scene. The technique relies on geometric image interpolation, known as "morphing" in the graphics community, to produce intermediate images. Although morphing techniques currently enjoy widespread use, their theoretical validity has not been established. In particular, does 2D interpolation of two views of the same scene produce a sequence of physically valid in-between views of that scene? Surprisingly, the answer is yes, providing the images first undergo a simple rectification procedure and certain assumptions about visibility and the projection process are satisfied. The view synthesis work described here uses automated stereo techniques to determine image correspondences. Our more recent work on View Morphing considers how user-interaction may be used to guide the interpolation.

Below are computed interpolations for three different image pairs. The rectified original images are shown at left and right. Click on the interpolated images (center) to see mpeg movies (~50K) showing the computed interpolations.

View Interpolations
Original (1) Interpolated (1.5) Original (2)

This work is described in: Physically-Valid View Synthesis by Image Interpolation,
S. M. Seitz and C. R. Dyer, Proc. Workshop on Representation of Visual Scenes, 1995.

o Last Changed: Oct 14, 1998