MECHEM has been written over the last nine years and is currently a
57,000 line program, but it is under continual development. Except
for the graphical user interface, it is entirely written in Lisp,
including its modules that implement algebraic and numerical
constraints pertaining mainly to stoichiometry. The graphical
interface, which is well advanced, is written in Tcl/Tk. Hence, the
entire package will run on any platform that supports these two highly
portable languages. Inquiries about the collaborative or
non-collaborative use of MECHEM are welcome.
Frequently asked questions about MECHEM
The logs below illustrate the interactive use of MECHEM on a variety
of reactions. The examples that involved expert input lead to
more credible working mechanisms; the others lead to less credible
results, but are illustrative of the methodology and its potential.
An undergraduate (Brian White) has
developed a nice
graphical interface
that makes the user interaction
very convenient.