************** *Announcement* ************** University of Minnesota Supercomputer Institute International Conference on Parallel Computing October 3-4, 1996 University of Minnesota Supercomputer Institute 1200 Washington Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota sponsored by: Supercomputer Institute and IBM Corporation This announcement contains the following information: 1) A description of the conference including a listing of the confirmed speakers (to date) and their titles 2) The conference registration form 3) The hotel registration form Deadlines: ********** Poster paper abstracts are due: September 18, 1996 Registration deadline: September 18, 1996 (post deadline registrations are accepted on an as-space-is-available basis) Hotel reservation deadline: September 18, 1996 Overview: ********* The International Conference on Parallel Computing will bring together scientists to discuss distributed parallel applications in the computational sciences and to foster cross-disciplinary interactions in the general area of high-performance computing. There will be a mix of talks dealing with novel programming and algorithmic aspects of parallel computing as well as state-of-the- art technical advances. An international group of invited speakers has been arranged with 13 confirmed speakers and three more currently being finalized. The conference will provide a concentrated forum to discuss progress on enhancing the number of applications that can take advantage of emerging parallel computing architectures. International advisory committee: ********************************* Inder Batra, IBM-Almaden, chair Farid Abraham, IBM-Almaden Salem Ciraci, Ankara, Turkey Ian Foster, Argonne National Laboratory Mark Gordon, Iowa State Suichi Iwata, University of Tokyo, Japan Malvin Kalos, Cornell Theory Center Barry Klein, University of California, Davis Paul Pritchard, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia Ahmed Sameh, University of Minnesota Bob Steen, IBM Priya Vashishta, Louisiana State University David Yuen, University of Minnesota Organizing committee: ********************* Donald Truhlar, University of Minnesota, chair Inder Batra, IBM-Almaden Norman Troullier, IBM-Almaden and Minneapolis Confirmed Speakers (to date): ***************************** Robert Beck, University of Chicago "An Overview of Parallel Processing in Biomedical Imaging" Gyan Bhanot, IBM Yorktown "A Cross Section of 'Super' Research done on Computers at the IBM TJ Watson Research Center" Jeremy Broughton, Naval Research Laboratory "Direct Atomistic Simulation of Next Generation Quartz Crystal Oscillators" David Ceperley, University of Illinois "Path Integral Monte Carlo Calculations with Message Passing" Michel Dupuis, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory "Advanced Techniques For High Scalability: Application to Computational Chemistry" Dennis Evans, Australian National University "Non-Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics Calculation of Transport Coefficients in Fluids" Franz Fiedler, University of Karlsruhe, Germany "Numerical Simulation of Chemically Reactive Pollutants in the Lower Atmosphere" Geoffrey Fox, Syracuse University "The Future: Java and Web Computing on Petaflop Computers by 2008" Alan Needleman, Brown University "Computational Modeling of Material Failure" Shuhei Ohnishi, NEC Fundamental Research Laboratories, Tsukuba, Japan "Materials Construction by the Density Functional Theory with the Aid of Parallel Processors" Yousef Saad, University of Minnesota "Sparse Iterative Methods on Distributed Memory Computers" Ulrich Trottenberg, German National Research Center for Information Technology, St. Augustin, Germany "Parallelism and Adaptivity--A Contradiction?" Priya Vashishta, Louisiana State University "Large-Scale Simulation of Crack Propagation and Fracture on Parallel Computers" Tentative schedule: ******************* Thursday, October 3, 1996 ------------------------- Morning: four plenary speakers (30+5 minutes each) Afternoon: poster session plus five plenary speakers Evening: conference banquet Friday, October 4, 1996 ----------------------- Morning: four plenary speakers Afternoon: poster session plus three plenary speakers The Conference will close in time for attendees to catch a 5:00 p.m. flight out of Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport. There is no conference fee but participants must register to attend because of the space limitation and lunch arrangements. A $45 fee will be charged for the Thursday night, October 3, banquet. Up-to- date information may be found at http://www2.msi.umn.edu/symposia/ICPC.html. For other information or to register please contact the symposium administrator, Michael Olesen, (612) 624-1356 or olesen@msi.umn.edu. Preregistration is required. ******************* *REGISTRATION FORM* ******************* International Conference on Parallel Computing October 3-4, 1996 to be held at the Supercomputer Institute 1200 Washington Avenue South Minneapolis, MN There is no registration fee for those attending the International Conference on Parallel Computing. The Wednesday night reception, the plenary sessions, the poster sessions, breaks, and the group lunches are provided to those registering for the conference. Conference space is however limited and preregistration is required. The registration deadline is September 18, 1996. After that date registrations will be accepted on an as-space-is-available basis. There is a $45 fee to attend the banquet which will be held on Thursday, October 3 at the Whitney Hotel. Please register the following person for the workshop: Prof. ___ Dr. ___ Mr. ___ Ms. ___ First and Last Name: Address: department: college / university / company: street address: city, state, zip / campus / country: Telephone number: Fax number: Electronic mail address: ___ I wish to attend the conference and the Thursday night banquet. The banquet fee is $45 and a check payable to the University of Minnesota should be either attached to the registration form or sent care of the Supercomputer Institute at the address listed below. ___ I wish to attend the conference only ************************** *Poster Paper submission:* ************************** ___ I wish to present a poster paper ___ Enclosed is the abstract for the poster paper ___ I will submit the abstract by the September 18, 1996 deadline note: Please send both an electronic version and a hardcopy version of the abstract to the addresses listed below. ___ I do not wish to present a poster paper ***************** *How to register* ***************** The completed form can be submitted electronically by sending it to olesen@msi.umn.edu or it can be submitted via U.S. mail by sending the form to: Michael Olesen Symposium Administrator Supercomputer Institute 1200 Washington Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55415 Tel: (612) 624-1356 Fax: (612) 624-8861 e-mail: olesen@msi.umn.edu If, after you register, you discover you cannot attend, please cancel your registration so that we can make the space available to another participant. ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /Space is limited. Preregistration is required./ ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ****************** * WHITNEY HOTEL * *RESERVATION FORM* ****************** NOTE: Hotel reservation form should be sent directly to the Whitney Hotel at the address listed below ORGANIZATION: University of Minnesota Supercomputer Institute FUNCTION: International Conference on Parallel Computing DATES: October 3-4, 1996 ROOM RATE: $99 per night, single occupancy CHECK IN TIME: 3:00 pm CHECK OUT TIME: NOON Please reserve a room for the following person: Prof. ___ Dr. ___ Mr. ___ Ms. ___ First and Last Name: Address: Telephone number: Fax number: Sharing room with: Arrival date: October ________, 1996 Estimated arrival time: _______ Departure date: October ________, 1996 Address where confirmation should be mailed: (if different from above) To ensure availability and special rates, rooms must be reserved by September 18, 1996. Reservations will be held until 4:00 p.m. unless a later arrival time is requested and payment is guaranteed* by one of the following: ___ Check is enclosed. ___ Please guarantee with the following credit card information: AMEX ___ Visa ___ Mastercard ___ Diners ___ Discover ___ Credit Card #: _____________________________________________ Expiration date: _____________________________________________ Signature: _____________________________________________ RETURN COMPLETED RESERVATION FORM TO: Whitney Hotel Attention: Reservations 150 Portland Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55401 Tel: (612) 339-9300 Fax: (612) 339-1333 * Guaranteed reservations must be cancelled on the arrival date prior to 4:00 p.m. in order not to incur charges.