WORKSHOP ANNOUNCEMENT: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- High Performance Fortran (HPF) - Four-Day Workshop October 18 - 21, 1994 At the Swiss Scientific Computing Center, CSCS-ETHZ Manno (Ticino), Switzerland ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applied Parallel Research (APR), in cooperation with the Swiss Scientific Computing Center (CSCS-ETHZ), offers a four-day workshop on High Performance Fortran (HPF). This will be an intensive training session with hands-on experience using APR's HPF compilation system, xhpf. Attendees are encouraged to prepare their own application codes for parallelization over a distributed memory workstation cluster during the workshop. This workshop will feature a programming tutorial on MPP systems and HPF, and offer an opportunity to gain experience parallelizing real Fortran applications using APR's newest parallelization tools. Ample time has been allocated to allow each attendee, working at their own pace and with the instructors and CSCS staff, to parallelize and evaluate real benchmark programs and their own application codes. CSCS will provide access to MPP systems on which to run parallelized codes. The instructors will be John Levesque and Richard Friedman of Applied Parallel Research. The workshop languages will be English and Fortran. Workshop Outline: Day 1 Morning INTRODUCTION o Distributed Memory Parallel Architectures Overview o Data vs. Task Parallelism o SPMD Programming Paradigm Day 1 Afternoon HIGH PERFORMANCE FORTRAN (HPF) o The Fortran 90 Subset in HPF o HPF Data Distribution Directives o Extrinsics Day 2 Morning APR's INTERACTIVE & BATCH PARALLELIZERS o xhpf Batch Parallelizer o FORGE 90 Distributed Memory Parallelizer (DMP) o APR's Extensions to HPF Day 2 Afternoon WORKSHOP o Using APR's Analysis and Parallelization Tools over CSCS's Parallel Cluster on Tutorial Example Codes Day 3 Morning WRITING DATA PARALLEL PROGRAMS o Data Parititioning and Loop Distribution o Data Storage Considerations o Inhibitors to DO Loop Parallelizations Day 3 Afternoon WORKSHOP/TUTORIAL o Parallelization of a Simple Grid Relaxation Code Day 4 All Day WORKSHOP o Parallelization of Attendee's Codes or Other Examples Using APR's Parallelization Tools. Spaces in this workshop are limited and will be available on a first come, first served basis. It is recommended that you reserve a place by contacting APR as soon as possible. The tuition fee for this four-day workshop will be $1500 US. A reduced fee of $1250 applies to organizations with active FORGE licenses. Full payment must be received at APR by September 16, 1994 to hold a place. Requests for further information and advanced registration should be directed to APR at the addresses given below. CSCS will provide lists of recommended hotels in the area. Applied Parallel Research, Inc., based in California, is a leading developer of Fortran analysis and parallelization tools for supercomputing applications. Its FORGE family of tools include interactive FORGE 90 and Explorer, and the batch automatic parallelizers DPF and XHPF. APR is an active participant in the High Performance Fortran Forum (HPFF). Further information about APR and its FORGE products is available over the Internet, via finger | more The workshop host, CSCS, the Swiss National Scientific Computing Center, is part of the Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ), and is located in Manno, near Lugano in the Ticino region of Switzerland. Its basic mission is to provide computing services and consulting to Swiss universities, research institutes, and commercial companies. CSCS contributes its own research and development and education projects in High Performance Computing. This workshop is part of CSCS' Parallel Computer Systems and Education Laboratory, ParEdLab. Please direct all inquiries regarding this workshop to: Postal Address: CSCS Workshop 94 Applied Parallel Research, Inc. 550 Main Street, Suite I Placerville, CA 95667 USA Phone: + 916/621-1600 FAX: + 916/621-0593 Email: -- /\=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=/\ \/Richard Friedman (510)528-7055 | \/ /\Applied Parallel Research (Berkeley)| /\ \/=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=\/