[ La ASCII version first followed by the LaTeX version. ] PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERS _____________________________________________ WORKSHOP ON PARALLEL ALGORITHMS FOR IRREGULARLY STRUCTURED PROBLEMS _______________________________________________________ Lyon, September 4--6, 1995 Efficient parallel solutions have been found to many problems. Some of these solutions can be automatically obtained from sequential programs using compilers. However, there still exist a large class of problems, known as irregularly structured problems, that lack efficient solutions. The workshop on Parallel Algorithms for Irregularly Structured Problems - IRREGULAR 95 - is the second in the series, started in Geneva in 1994, that addresses issues related to deriving efficient solutions to irregularly structured problems. It will be held at the Ecole Normale Supirieure de Lyon, France, on September 4--6, 1995. Scope : IRREGULAR 95 aims at fostering the cooperation among practitioners and theoreticians of the field. Papers for oral presentation are solicited in all research areas related to the parallelism of irregular problems, as listed below. Topics : (non exhaustive) approximated and randomized methods, automatic synthesis, branch and bound, combinatorial optimization, compiling, computer vision, load balancing, parallel data structures, scheduling and mapping, sparse matrix and symbolic computation. Publication : Proceedings will be published by an international publisher and will be available at the workshop. Official languages are English and French. Submission guidelines : To submit a contribution, send an extended abstract describing original research in no more than 15 pages to IRREGULAR 95 LIP ENS Lyon 46, all d'Italie 69364 Lyon Cedex 07 France Papers simultaneously submitted to other conferences with published proceedings will not be considered. Contributions must be in Lyon no later than April 7, 1995. ********************************************** Workshop Chairs Afonso Ferreira, Lyon Josi Rolim, Geneva ********************************************** Program Committee A. Apostolico, Purdue H. Burkhart, Basel M. Cosnard, Lyon A. Gerasoulis, Rutgers T. Hagerup, Saarbrucken V. Kumar, Minnesota B. Monien, Paderborn P. Panagiotopoulos, Thessaloniki S. Ranka, Syracuse J.-L. Roch, Grenoble J. Saltz, Maryland J. Szwarcfiter, Rio de Janeiro P. Thanisch, Edinburgh M. Valero, Barcelona ********************************************** Invited Speakers C. Cantor, Boston P. Pardalos, Florida G. Villard, Grenoble ********************************************** Local Organizers P. Berthome, Lyon T. Duboux, Lyon A. Ferreira, Lyon V. Roger, Lyon S. Ubeda, St. Etienne e-mail: irregular@lip.ens-lyon.fr ********************************************** IMPORTANT DATES Submissions: April 7, 1995 Notification: June 5, 1995 Camera Ready: June 30, 1995 ********************************************** This workshop is sponsored by the EATCS, the Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parallelisme de l'ENS Lyon and the University of Geneva. -------- LaTeX version follows -------- LaTeX version follows -------- \documentstyle{article} \pagestyle{empty} \oddsidemargin=-18.5truept \textwidth=6.8in \topmargin=1.24in \headsep=0truept \footheight=0truept \footskip=0truept \textheight=9.7in \hfuzz=4pt \vfuzz=4pt \newcommand{\mylistlabel}{\hspace\labelsep } \newenvironment{mylist}{\begin{list}{\hbox{}}% {\leftmargin 18pt \labelwidth 0pt \itemindent-\leftmargin \itemsep -1pt \let\makelabel\mylistlabel}}% {\end{list}} \newcommand{\fillin}{\typeout{*** Fill in! ***}??} \newcommand{\recheck}[1]{\typeout{*** Recheck This! ***}#1} \begin{document} \vspace*{-0.8in} \begin{center} { \large \sc Preliminary Announcement and Call for Papers} \\[0.5ex] \LARGE Workshop on \\[0.5ex] \LARGE\bf Parallel Algorithms for Irregularly Structured Problems\\[2ex] \Large\bf Lyon, September 4--6, 1995 \\[2ex] \end{center} \vspace*{4ex} \begin{minipage}[t]{1.9in}\footnotesize \noindent{\bf Workshop Chairs} \begin{mylist}\raggedright\frenchspacing \item Afonso Ferreira, Lyon \item Josi Rolim, Geneva \end{mylist} \bigskip\noindent{\bf Program Committee} \begin{mylist}\raggedright\frenchspacing \item A. Apostolico, Purdue \item H. Burkhart, Basel \item M. Cosnard, Lyon \item A. Gerasoulis, Rutgers \item T. Hagerup, Saarbrucken \item V. Kumar, Minnesota \item B. Monien, Paderborn \item P. Panagiotopoulos, Thessaloniki \item S. Ranka, Syracuse \item J.-L. Roch, Grenoble \item J. Saltz, Maryland \item J. Szwarcfiter, Rio de Janeiro \item P. Thanisch, Edinburgh \item M. Valero, Barcelona \end{mylist} \bigskip\noindent{\bf Invited Speakers} \begin{mylist}\raggedright\frenchspacing \item C. Cantor, Boston \item P. Pardalos, Florida \item G. Villard, Grenoble \end{mylist} \bigskip\noindent{\bf Local Organizers} \begin{mylist} \item P. Berthome, Lyon \item T. Duboux, Lyon \item A. Ferreira, Lyon \item V. Roger, Lyon \item S. Ubeda, St. Etienne \item e-mail: irregular@lip.ens-lyon.fr \end{mylist} \bigskip\noindent{\bf Important Dates} \begin{mylist}\raggedright\frenchspacing \item \makebox[1.0in][l]{Submissions:} April 7, 1995 \item \makebox[1.0in][l]{Notification:} June 5, 1995 \item \makebox[1.0in][l]{Camera Ready:} June 30, 1995 \end{mylist} \bigskip\noindent This workshop is sponsored by the EATCS, the Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parall\'elisme de l'ENS Lyon and the University of Geneva. \end{minipage} \hspace*{4.75pt}\rule[-6.4in]{0.5pt}{6.6in} \hspace*{4.75pt} \begin{minipage}[t]{4.25in} Efficient parallel solutions have been found to many problems. Some of these solutions can be automatically obtained from sequential programs using compilers. However, there still exist a large class of problems, known as irregularly structured problems, that lack efficient solutions.\\ The workshop on Parallel Algorithms for Irregularly Structured Problems - {\bf \em IRREGULAR 95} - is the second in the series, started in Geneva in 1994, that addresses issues related to deriving efficient solutions to irregularly structured problems. It will be held at the Ecole Normale Supirieure de Lyon, France, on September 4--6, 1995. \bigskip\noindent{\bf \underline {Scope}:} {\bf \em IRREGULAR 95} aims at fostering the cooperation among practitioners and theoreticians of the field. Papers for oral presentation are solicited in all research areas related to the parallelism of irregular problems, as listed below. \bigskip\noindent{\bf \underline{Topics}:} (non exhaustive) approximated and randomized methods, automatic synthesis, branch and bound, combinatorial optimization, compiling, computer vision, load balancing, parallel data structures, scheduling and mapping, sparse matrix and symbolic computation. \bigskip\noindent{\bf \underline {Publication}:} Proceedings will be published by an international publisher and will be available at the workshop. \bigskip\noindent{\bf \underline {Submission guidelines}:} To submit a contribution, send an extended abstract describing original research in no more than 15 pages to\\ \hspace*{1.5in}{\bf \em IRREGULAR 95}\\ \hspace*{1.5in}LIP \\ \hspace*{1.5in}ENS Lyon\\ \hspace*{1.5in}46, all\'ee d'Italie\\ \hspace*{1.5in}69364 Lyon Cedex 07\\ \hspace*{1.5in}France\\ Papers simultaneously submitted to other conferences with published proceedings will not be considered. Contributions {\em must be} in Lyon no later than April 7, 1995. \end{minipage} \end{document}