Checkers Tournament

Date: October 15, 2002
Time: 10:30 - 12:00
Place: Wean Hall 5203

Part of homework 2 involves entering your checkers player in the class tournament.  Your marks for this assignment will be based partially on how your program does in the tournament.  This page explains how the tournament will be run.

How the tournament will be run

For the first round, students will be randomly assigned an opponent.  After the first game, there will be two groups formed. The first  group will be the people who won their first game, the second group will consist of people who lost the first game. Tournaments will be run in each group.  The winners of each game will continue to play others in their group.  The losers will be eliminated from the tournament.   Everyone will play at least two games.  The overall winner of the tournament will be the winner of the first group.  Second and third place will be decided in a game between the second player of the first group and the winner in the second group.  These are both players who have only lost one game in the tournament.  Along with the glory and recognition that comes from being a checkers champion, there will also be prizes.

General Rules and Comments
  1. The only computer resources allowed in the tournament are the computers in Wean 5203.  Make sure you are familiar with and that your program runs on the machines in this room before the tournament starts.
  2. Each player gets 5 minutes per game.  The server will keep track of this.
  3. There will be no draws.  A game will be lost by either running out of pieces, having no legal moves left, or by running out of time.
  4. We are following the ACF rules.  The server enforces these rules.
  5. Once you have finished a game, report the result to Kate or Pat, so that we can keep track of the progress of the tournament.