CMLoki RoboCup 2004 Simulator team



CMLoki, CMU's robosoccer simulation team for the 2004 RoboCup, is built upon the TsinghuAeolus 2002 and 2003 teams. The main areas we are exploring are: opponent modeling, agent communication, and coachability.

Opponent modeling includes such tasks as learning the behavior of an opponent goalie in order to determine how to outmaneuver the goalie and make a successful score.

Our players will utilize the coachable agent communication standard that we authored. This standard protocol for communication, named CommLang, has been approved for use in the RoboCup 2004 competition. See the description of the language. We have also provided code for generating and decoding communication messages (see Downloads).

The third area we are working on - coachability - will focus on making the team able to incorporate advice from a soccer coach. One of the challenges in this area is how to make the best possible use of coach advice, while not negatively impacting the team's performance.

CMLoki is entered in the Simulated Soccer Internet League (SSIL). See the results page for our current performance.


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Team Members

John Davin <homepage> Yang Gu <homepage> Patrick Riley <homepage> Manuela Veloso <homepage>