Theory Seminar B. K. Natarajan Hewlett Packard Laboratories Learning Functions via Occam's Razor with Application to Filtering Friday March 25, 1994 Wean Hall 7220 2:30-4:00 Abstract An Occam approximation is an algorithm that constructs sparse but approximate interpolants, i.e., it takes as input a set of samples of a function and an approximation tolerance E, and produces as output a compact representation of a function that is within E of the given samples. We show that the existence of an Occam approximation is sufficient to guarantee the probably approximate learnability of classes of functions on the reals even in the presence of arbitrarily large but random additive noise. Specifically, we show that setting the tolerance E equal to the strength of the noise causes the noise and the approximation error to cancel rather than add. A practical consequence of this result is a general technique for the construction of non-linear filters for random noise.