Pearl was my Little Sister

From Daniel Levenson, August 21, 2002


Who could imagine that I would find myself composing a euology for Pearl at such a young age.  She was so happy, so engaged in life and with so much to look forward to.


Pearl was my little sister.  I always felt protective towards her - as youngsters, later when we attended college together, and into our adult years.  Of course, she matured, became very wise, and married a wonderful man who was able to counsel and comfort her (and she to him), and I was able to stand back, appreciate the amazing person, loving mother and wife that she had become, and to be her friend.


I wish I had been there to protect her this one last time, but nature, with its strange and random power, had its way.  I always imagined being there for Pearl until the day I died, not the day she died, much too soon.


May God grant strength to Reid, Noah, Rachel, Joshua, my parents, Naomi and all mourners present here to remember the happiness and radiance in Pearl’s spirit, to meet each new day with hope and to sanctify Pearl’s memory.


With deepest love,


Her brother, Daniel