So, within the large topic of Language Drift, I've chosen to focus somewhat on the effect of contact on language change and death (for obvious reasons). I've provided a large list of readings, but most are merely for interest.

Language Drift.ppt

Language Contact, Creolization and Genetic Linguistics -Contact-induced Language Change: An Analytic Framework -- Ch. 3

Late Modern Irish and the Dynamics of Language Change and Language Death

Milroy - Mobility, contact and language change -- working with contemporary speech communities

Hope - Rats, bats, sparrows and dogs: Biology, linguistics and the nature of Standard English
Hope_Biology Linguistics and Standard English.pdf


Chung - On the gradual nature of syntactic change
Chung_Gradual Nature of Syntactic Change - polynesian.pdf

Interest Pieces:

Timberlake - Reanalysis and Actualization in Syntactic Change
Timberlake_Reanalysis and Actualization in Syntactic Change.pdf

Larmouth - Differential Interference in American Finnish Cases
Larmouth_Differential Interference in American Finnish Cases.pdf

Schilling-Estes - On the nature of isolated and post-isolated dialects: Innovation, variation and differentiation

Language Decay and contact-induced change: Similarities and differences

Milroy & Milroy - Linguistic Change, Social Network and Speaker Innovation