Yong-Qing Cheng, Robert T. Collins, Allen R. Hanson, and Edward M. Riseman,
Triangulation without Correspondences,"
Arpa Image Understanding Workshop, 
Monterey, CA, November 1994, pp. 993-1000.


This paper present two different algorithms for reconstructing 3D points from two sets of noisy 2D points without knowing point correspondences, given the corresponding poses from the two images. We first present a new way to form a 2D similarity function between two points from two images via 3D pseudo-intersection. Based on principles of proximity and exclusion, the first algorithm uses a new affinity measure between 2D image points from two different images to establish image point correspondences and recover their corresponding 3D points simultaneously. Based on an optimal graph theoretic approach, the second algrotihm uses the similarity function to construct a bipartite graph, builds a corresponding flow network, and finally finds a maximum network flow that determines the correspondences between two images. The two proposed algorithms have been applied to aerial images from the ARPA RADIUS project. Experimental results have shown that the proposed algorithms are robust.

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