Course Log

Date Topics Covered Assignment
1/20 Sampling Theory
  1. Download Nyquist and install.
  2. Create a square wave with Nyquist. Email your Nyquist code to Roger.
  • Tom explained the sampling chain with emphasis on the freqency domain.
  • Roger went over some functions in Nyquist that illustrated quantization.
Question: does band-limited dither sound better? Use resampling to create less-than full-bandwidth noise. Use it to dither a signal of your choice. You might need to experiment with bandwidth and amplitude. Can you make something that sounds better than uniform (white noise) dither?


  1. Realize one of Moorer's additive instrument tones.
  2. Pick a project.
  • Discussed envelopes.
  • Roger went over some functions in Nyquist that illustrated time varying filters.
  1. Use a time-varying filter to create an interesting tone.
  • Discussed filters. Tom talked about FM synthesis, then Roger went over some functions in Nyquist that implemented it.
  1. Create a plucked string-like sound with FM.
  2. Make a cool sound with FM.
  • Dr. Hugh Young talked about some of the physics of sound.
  • Roger then went over the articles on spacialization.
  1. Read all of the articles.
  2. Give Roger your project description.
3/3 No class. Midsemester break.
  • Istuan Derenyi discussed physical models.
  1. Create an instrument voice using wave shaping.
  • Istuan Derenyi discussed physical models.
  • Roger explained some different approaches to implementing reverberation.
  1. Send email to Roger describing the progress of your project.
  • Tom discussed encoding formats for the compact disc.
  1. Read article.
  2. Work on projects.
  • Tom discussed digital filters.
  1. Read article.
  2. Work on projects.


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