Design Process


Our primary medium for designing our product was SolidWorks.  In our initial concepts we debated between different propeller and hull designs.  Our first thought was to make a paddle wheel based boat.  Upon constructing this in SolidWorks, however, we decided that for ease of use a propeller based boat seemed more logical.  We then focused the remainder of our efforts to design such a product. Below is the first SolidWorks renderring of a propeller based boat.

As seen in the picture, a rubber band could be connected between the propeller and the front of the boat.  Twisting the propeller would store energy in the rubber band which would, move the boat forward in the water once the propeller is released.  After reviewing our design we decided to reconstruct the hull to resemble a more traditionally styled boat.  As a team we felt this was a more appropriately styled boat for young children to play with.  Upon redesigning the hull, we made minor changes to the propeller to accommodate the resizing of the boat.

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Jake Flittner

Dan Miller

Maddie Stearns

Carnegie Mellon University

3 March, 2010