Flying Chick

Flying Chick

The Flying Chick draws inspiration from the traditional model wooden plane. Like the wooden plane, the Flying Chick can glide in the air. Furthermore, the flying chick is severals times cuter than a boring plane, so children are much more amused with the Flying Chick. The Flying Chick can glide when a child throws it in the air, or it can glide with the help of an adjustable launching pad. This launching pad utilizes a spring to produce a force which launches the Flying Chick. Also, the launching pad's angle of elevation can be easily adjusted, allowing kids to experiment with different conditions. Children can learn about ballistics and aerodynamics from this toy. Children can also compete against one another to determine who can achieve the longest flight time or the longes flight distance.

This toy employs the principles of springs, conservation of energy, ballistics, and aerodynamics. Energy is manually stored in the spring in the form of potential energy. When released, the potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy and transferred to the Chick. The Chick then experiences flight and will obey the laws of aerodynamics and ballistics. Eventually, depending on the angle of elevation and initial velocity, the chick will descend towards the ground at varying distances. The toy is recommended for children ages 12 and up because younger children might hurt themselves when compressing the spring in the launcher.

Balsa wood is a common material used in model airplanes, so naturally, the Chick will be made from balsa wood, as well. Balsa wood is light-weight and stiff, both of which are ideal properties for flight. Also, it can be easily cut, can readily absorb shock and vibration, and comes in a variety of different densities. These properties facilitate the manufacturing process, reducing production costs. The balsa wood will be cut into the shape of two wings and a flat representation of the chick's body and head. The launching pad, on the other hand, will be constructed from a much denser wood or a plastic. The latter will lower production costs because of an abundant supply and easy production, but the wood would be sturdier. For the sake of safety, the launcher will be made from wood. This wood will be cut into the lower plank, the sliding hatch, and the container. The lower plank will be attached to the container via two metallic hinges. The sliding hatch will be set in groves along the length of the container and attached to a spring. The other end of the spring will be attached to the container.


Toy concept 1 | Toy concept 2

Kevin Chung
Carnegie Mellon University
January 26, 2010