Card Differences for PBEM Games

Some cards require special procedures for play-by-email games. This file details those special procedures.

See also the Rules and Procedures for PBEM Games.

I've seen Arise! used by having a player with Arise! give almost all his groups to another player, in exchange for having the other player make a successful attack. I don't like this--please don't abuse it to this level.
Australia's special ability depends upon whether the time is during work hours or not. this changes many more times over the course of a PBEM game than it does in the course of a face-to-face game. Therefore, I will decree that it is always "the weekend, a national holiday, or after 5 p.m." for the purposes of Australia in my PBEM games.
Bar Codes
I do not know how much someone can comprehend in 10 seconds of looking through a deck. Therefore, I'll handle Bar Codes this way: I'll build a copy of the Group deck, and find a local expert INWO player to look through the deck. The player playing Bar Codes should provide commentary for the local viewer on what they expect and what they are looking for, so that the viewer can get those benefits of knowing what to expect. After the viewer has looked through the cards, I'll have him write a response to the player detailing to the best of his ability what he saw.
Crop Circles
See Rosicrucians
Dallas Catacombs
Because of the way I handle Power Structures, the special ability of the Dallas Catacombs is irrelevant. Oh well.
Jesus B.
To send a dollar to the SubGenius Foundation for Jesus B., send the dollar to me, and I'll send it on. (I'll take IOUs.)
The Great Pyramid
There is no effective way for me to check whether you're taking notes with the Great Pyramid. Therefore, the 'You may not take notes' clause of the Great Pyramid is void for the PBEM Game. (This makes the Great Pyramid more powerful...)
For Rosicrucians, Crop Circles, and other '30-seconds' cards, I'll handle them in the following way: you get one message in which to specify what to do, including contingency plans. If I can't follow your plans, you'll get whatever cards are on top of your deck.

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Last modified: Tue May 26 15:40:36 EDT 1998
Ralph Melton <>