Example Text Meaning Representation 1

;; "... the four concerns said ..." %say_1 agent set_1 theme %create_1 temporal time_1 aspect aspect_1 attitude attitude_1 polarity positive set_1 member-type *company cardinality 4 elements %company_1 %company_2 %company_3 %company_4 %company_1 name "Beijing International Trust and Investment Corp." alias "Bitic" %company_2 name "Nederlandsche Middenstandsbank N.V." %company_3 name "K.K. Yeung Management Consultants, Ltd." %company_4 name "Scriven Trading, Ltd." time_1 absolute-time {past} aspect_1 phase end iteration single duration momentary

In FramepaC frame format, the above becomes:

[heads [head-list [value say_1 own_1 own_2 own_3 own_4 advise_1 engage_1]]] [say_1 [instance-of [value say]] [agent [value set_1]] [theme [value create_1]] [temporal [value time_1]] [aspect [value aspect_1]] [attitude [value attitude_1]] [polarity [value positive]]] [set_1 [instance-of [value set]] [member-type [value *company]] [cardinality [value = 4]] [elements [value company_1 company_2 company_3 company_4]]] [company_1 [instance-of [value company]] [name [value "Beijing International Trust and Investment Corp."]] [alias [value "Bitic"]]] [company_2 [instance-of [value company]] [name [value "Nederlandsche Middenstandsbank N.V."]]] [company_3 [instance-of [value company]] [name [value "K.K. Yeung Management Consultants, Ltd."]]] [company_4 [instance-of [value company]] [name [value "Scriven Trading, Ltd."]]] [time_1 [instance-of [value time]]] [absolute-time [value {past}]]] [aspect_1 [instance-of [value aspect]] [phase [value end]] [iteration [value single]] [duration [value momentary]]]

Ralf Brown (ralf+@cmu.edu)