Peter Steenkiste

Departments of Computer Science and
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University


NEW! 2020 Research opportunities in networking for undergraduate and MS students (CMU only)


Research Interests

Networking and distributed computing




15-441 / 641 Networks and the Internet , Fall 2024.

18-452 / 18-750 Wireless Networks and Applications, Spring 2024.

15-440 / 15-640 Distributed Systems, Spring 2022.

18-452 / 18-750 Wireless Networks and Applications, Spring 2022.

15-441 / 15-641 Networking and the Internet, Fall 2021.


Research Projects

Network Telemetry for Mobile, Challenged Networks

REACH: Robust, Efficient, and Asynchronous Content Delivery in Challenged Networks

FLOYD: Edge Computing and 5G Communication for Vehicular Applications

FIA control plane: A control plane for the future Internet

Past projects

Some code releases


PhD Students and Postdocs

Yuze He, postdoc

Sofia Martins

Shuoshuo (Shawn) Chen

Rawan Al-Shaer

Former Graduated Students and Postdocs

5th Year Master's program in CS

Program overview


Handbook AY 23-24


Recent Papers

NEW! Precise Data Center traffic Engineering with Constrained Hardware Resources, Shawn Chen, Jeqiang He, Rui Wang, Srinivasan Seshan, Peter Steenkiste, 20th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI'24), Santa Clara, April 2024

NEW! Towards Optimal Load Balancing in Multi-Zone Kubernetes Cluster via Reinforcement learning, Jose Pedro dos Santos, Time Wauters, Filip de Turck, Peter Steenkiste, 33rd Internation Conference on Computer Communication and Networks, IEEE, Hawaii, July 2024

NEW! A Methodology and Testbed to Develop an Energy Model for 5G Virtualization, Sofia Martins, Ana Aguiar, Peter Steenkiste, Green Network Workshop, ICC 2024, Denver, June 2024, best paper award.

NEW! Enabling Adaptive and reliable Video Delivery over Hybrid Unicast/Broadcast Networks, Casper Haems, Jeroen Van Der Hooft, Hannes Mareen, Glenn Ven Wallendael, Time Wauters, Filip De Turk, Peter Steenkiste, 34th edition of the Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video, Bari, Italy, April 2024.

NEW! Sketchovsky: Enabling Ensembles of Sketches on Programmable Switches H. Namkung, Z. Liu, D. Kim, V. Sekar, P. Steenkiste, 20th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI'23), Boston, April 2023

NEW! Battery-free Wideband Spectrum Mapping using Commodity RFID Tags Mohamed Ibrahim, Atul Bansal, Kuang Yuan, Swarun Kumar, Peter Steenkiste, ACM Mobcom'23, Madrid, Spain, October, 2023.

NEW! Time-division TCP for Reconfigurable Data Center Networks, Shawn Shuoshuo Chen, Weiyang Wang, Christopher Canel, Srini Seshan, Alex Snoeren, Peter Steenkiste, ACM Sigcomm'22, August, 2022, Amsterdam.

NEW! SketchLib: Enabling Efficient Sketch-based Monitoring on Programmable Switches, Hun Namkung, Zaoxing Liu, Daehyeok Kim, Vyas Sekar, and Peter Steenkiste, 19th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (USENIX NSDI'22), 2022.


More Papers

By date (includes older papers)

Papers on wireless

Papers on Aura

Papers on Libra

Papers on Darwin

Papers on Remulac

Papers on Credit Net


Mailing address

Department of Computer Science

Carnegie Mellon University

5000 Forbes Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3891



Gates 9111

Voice: 412-268-3261

Fax: 412-268-5576

E-mail: prs at




Tracy Farbacher

Gates 7117

Voice: 412-268-8824

E-mail: tracyf at