
A self-reconfigurable modular robotic system is a collection of homogeneous, independently controlled modules that can connect, disconnect, and move around adjacent modules. These systems are capable of reassembling themselves to change their shape to a desired target configuration. Reconfiguration occurs for purposes of locomotion, manipulation or for the creation of static structures. Motion planning for such systems is interesting and challenging as it involves coordinating the movement of a possibly large number of modules while enforcing motion constraints imposed due to their physical design.

Motion planning for a self-reconfigurable robot involves coordinating the movement and connectivity of each of its homogeneous modules. Reconfiguration occurs when the shape of the robot changes from some initial configuration to a target configuration. Finding an optimal solution to reconfiguration problems involves searching the space of possible robot configurations. Because this space grows exponentially with the number of modules, optimal planning becomes intractable. We propose a hierarchical planning approach that computes heuristic global reconfiguration strategies efficiently. Our approach consists of a base planner that computes an optimal solution for a few modules and a hierarchical planner that recursively calls this base planner at each level of the hierarchy to ultimately compute a global suboptimal solution. We present results from a prototype implementation of the method that efficiently plans for selfreconfigurable robots with several thousand modules. We also discuss tradeoffs and performance issues including scalability, heuristic metrics and plan optimality.

Results of the planner

The planner was developed for the modular robotic system Claytronics that is being developed by CMU and Intel Research, Pittsburgh.