Peter Barnum Toastmasters CC#7: Pioneers of the Mind The human mind. We all have one. And we like to think that we have some intuition of our and other people’s minds. The study of psychology tries to formalize and quantify this intuition. Psychology sometimes gets a bad rap, although I think that’s for a couple of bad reasons. The first is that laypeople often use a false understanding of psychology as proof. You never hear someone say that two plus two equals ten because math says so, although you do sometimes hear someone say the reason they’re afraid of snakes is that their teacher in grade school was mean, because psychology says so. The other is that popular culture mostly talks about the very early psychologists, a hundred years ago. Sigmund Freud, a scientist at the dawn of psychology, said that all neurosis are caused by childhood sexual abuse, therefore psychology is ridiculous. Yes, and Isaac Newton said that atoms are indivisible, which means that physics is ridiculous. Since it’s beginning, there has been a lot of good science and valuable practices discovered by psychologist. Three of the most interesting psychologist are… Three favorites B.F. Skinner. Talk about operant conditioning. Tell about the psych professor who grew to like one side of the room. Reward or punishment for doing or not doing an action. Fixed ratio, fixed interval, variable ratio, variable interval. Stanley Milgram. Talk about the compliance experiment. Heart condition, learning experiment, 450 volt shocks, asked to stop after 150, stoped responding after 300. 65% gave the fatal level shocks three times, given list of word pairs with four possible answers apiece, “randomly” selected as teacher or student. Expirimenters gave four responses when asked to stop 1. Please continue. 2. The experiment requires that you continue. 3. It is absolutely essential that you continue. 4. You have no other choice, you must go on. Carl Rogers. Born in OP, professor at my undergrad UR. humanist approach. the actualizing tendency. It can be defined as the built-in motivation present in every life-form to develop its potentials to the fullest extent possible. We’re not just talking about survival: Rogers believes that all creatures strive to make the very best of their existence. If they fail to do so, it is not for a lack of desire. organismic valuing. positive regard 1. Openness to experience 2. Existential living 3. Organismic trusting 4. Experiential freedom 5. Creativity Genuinely interested In summary, there has been a lot of fascinating work done in sociology, behaviorism, and psychotherapy, by people such as … By studying the theories and practices of psychology, we improve both ourselves and our environments.