First Annual CMU Freshman
CS T-Shirt Design Contest
Fall 2006


Make a high-resolution image of your shirt design and
submit it to (as a uuencoded zip file).
Each image must include your class year (2010) somewhere
(prominent, hidden, integral to the design, etc.)

All entries must be submitted by Friday, November 3rd.
Entries will be posted then, for voting the subsequent week.
Preorders for the winning design will be taken, and the t-shirts
will be distributed before finals week.

Entering the Competition

Submit one large image for the back of the t-shirt, and optionally one smaller image for the front (e.g., a small "logo"). You are limited to two ink colors at most (the "third", background color, can be supplied by the shirt itself). If you intend your design to require a specific background color, also supply an auxiliary jpeg, in which the fabric color has been added as the background of the image (this is for web-voting purposes). If you used photoshop, include your .psd file.

With each submission, include a text file that contains the following information:

File Format:

I'm guessing at the information below; if anyone has experience using images to produce t-shirts, please let me know -becoming the "production supervisor" is worth IC points too.

If possible, please create your designs with Adobe Illustrator or some other program that creates images with a vector file format. If you are able to do so, the design images you send should be in the .eps file format. If you use Photoshop, please remember to include your .psd file. Remember that while Photoshop has the option to save in the .eps format, it is still saving in bitmap rather than vector representation. For this reason, be sure to do the following BEFORE YOU BEGIN CREATING YOUR DESIGN:

To sum up: either send us files in .eps format created with Adobe Illustrator, or send us files in .jpeg/.tiff/.png format with extremely high resolution, large size, and any accompanying project files.



A Few Design Examples from UW

Here are some pictures of t-shirts that I still have from when I taught at the University of Washington (please excuse these quick photos of oft-worn clothing). They indicate the design level that I expect a talented undegraduate to exhibit.

Back: UW Dawg (their mascot is the Husky)

Front Pocket: Mini "Thinker" and Logo

Back: The "Thinker" sitting on a pile of CS books

Back: A Steam Powered Turing Machine (the unofficial mascot of CSE at UW)

Front: Generic Logo

Back: A Typical CS Family

Note: I based this page on the Annual CSE T-Shirt Design Contest (a U. Washington) web page.