Undergraduate Senior Theses, 2006

I extracted this page from a mailing from Dean (of Undergraduate Students) Mark Stehlik. It lists all the undergraduate theses for SCS students graduating in 2006. Doing research and writing a senior thesis is one popular (and "fun") option, especially for those students planning on attending graduate school. Some students have been working with their adivsors for years, others were paired up expressly for doing research as a senior and writing a thesis. All together, these students represent 20% of the graduating seniors.

This Wednesday, May 10, the SCS Undergrad Research Thesis students will be presenting synopses of their theses as part of Meeting of the Minds, the Undergraduate Research Symposium to be held in the University Center. Events are scheduled throughout the day on Wednesday, beginning at 9:30am; the thesis students, their topics and talk-times are listed below. In addition, the undergrads engaged in CS independent study and thesis research will be presenting posters during the Symposium (there are two general poster sessions: from 12 noon to 2:30 and from 3:00 to 5:00 throughout the common spaces in the University Center). The thesis students will be by there posters from 12 noon to 2:30 (unless they're giving their oral in that window in which case they'll be gone for 20 minutes). Please stop by to show your support for the outstanding research work that so many students have done during the past year! Thesis topics and presentation times and locations (for the oral presentation) are as follows:

SCS College Honors presentations:

H&SS College Honors presentations: