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Mean response time

Figure 5.3: Mean response time of short jobs and long jobs under Dedicated, SBCS-ID, and SBCS-ID. Job sizes have exponential distributions.
How shorts gain from cycle stealing - $\rho_L = 0.5$

How longs suffer from cycle stealing - $\rho_L = 0.5$
(a) $\mbox{{\bf\sf E}}\left[ X_S \right]=1$ and $\mbox{{\bf\sf E}}\left[ X_L \right] = 10$
(b) $\mbox{{\bf\sf E}}\left[ X_S \right]=1$ and $\mbox{{\bf\sf E}}\left[ X_L \right] = 1$
(c) $\mbox{{\bf\sf E}}\left[ X_S \right]=10$ and $\mbox{{\bf\sf E}}\left[ X_L \right] = 1$
(pathological case)

Figure 5.3 illustrates the benefit to the short jobs and the penalty to the long jobs under SBCS-ID and SBCS-CQ for three job size configurations: (a) ``short'' jobs are (10 times) shorter in expectation, (b) ``short'' jobs and ``long'' jobs are indistinguishable, and (c) ``short'' jobs are (10 times) longer in expectation. Here, we assume that both the short jobs and the long jobs have exponential distributions. The mean response time of the short jobs (respectively, long jobs) is plotted as a function of $\rho_S$ in the top row (respectively, bottom row). In this figure, we fix $\rho_L = 0.5$, and consider the full range of $\rho_S$. Recall from Section 5.4.2 that Dedicated leads to instability when $\rho_S \geq 1$. However for SBCS-CQ, $\rho_S$ is allowed as high as $2 - \rho_L$, and for SBCS-ID, $\rho_S$ is allowed as high as some intermediate value shown in Figure 5.2, which is not as high as $2 - \rho_L$ and yet is higher than Dedicated.

Figure 5.3(a) (top row) shows that the short jobs benefit tremendously from cycle stealing. For $\rho_S
> 0.8$, the mean improvement of cycle stealing algorithms over Dedicated is over an order of magnitude. As $\rho_S
\rightarrow 1$, the mean response time under Dedicated goes to infinity, whereas it is 5.3 under SBCS-ID and 4.3 under SBCS-CQ. This shows the huge benefit that short jobs obtain by being able to steal idle cycles from the long host.

Figure 5.3(a) (top row) shows that the improvement of SBCS-CQ over SBCS-ID is also vast. As $\rho_S \rightarrow
1.28$, the mean response time under SBCS-ID goes to infinity whereas it is approximately 15.5 under SBCS-CQ. This follows as under SBCS-ID only new short arrivals can benefit from idle cycles, whereas under SBCS-CQ waiting short jobs may benefit.

Figure 5.3(a) (bottom row) shows that the penalty imposed on the long jobs by cycle stealing is relatively small. The penalty increases with $\rho_S$, but even when $\rho_S = 1$, the penalty to the long jobs is only 2.5% under SBCS-CQ and 3.0% under SBCS-ID. This is in contrast to the unbounded improvement for the short jobs.

Figure 5.3(b) shows the case when the short jobs and the long jobs are indistinguishable, and Figure 5.3(c) shows the pathological case where the ``short'' jobs have longer expected size than the ``long'' jobs. We see that trends are similar to column (a), with only the absolute magnitude of the numbers growing. Specifically, when the ``short'' jobs are longer or when the ``long'' jobs are shorter, both the benefit to the ``short'' jobs and the penalty to the ``long'' jobs become greater. Greater penalty to the ``long'' jobs is to be expected since a ``long'' job may get stuck behind a ``short'' job whose size is in fact ten time longer in expectation. Greater benefit to the ``short'' jobs may be explained as a counter effect to the greater penalty to the ``long'' jobs. Specifically, when the ``long'' jobs are shorter, the busy period of the ``long'' server is shorter, which allows the ``long'' server to help the ``short'' jobs more frequently (although the duration of the help is also shorter); at the beginning of the busy period, the ``long'' server may be serving the ``short'' jobs, and this implies that ``short'' jobs may utilize more nonidle cycles of the ``long'' server.

One interesting observation is that the penalty to the long jobs appears lower under SBCS-CQ than under SBCS-ID. At first this seems quite contrary, since under SBCS-CQ more cycles are given to the short jobs; thus it is reasonable to expect the long jobs should suffer more. The reason this is not true is that under SBCS-CQ the servers are re-namable. Thus a long job arriving to find both servers serving short jobs need only wait for the first of the two servers to free up under SBCS-CQ.

Figure 5.4: Percentage change in the overall mean response time of SBCS-ID and SBCS-CQ against Dedicated. Job sizes have exponential distributions.
Percentage improvement over Dedicated - $\rho_L = 0.5$

Percentage improvement over Dedicated - $\rho_L = 0.8$
(a) $\mbox{{\bf\sf E}}\left[ X_S \right]=1$ and $\mbox{{\bf\sf E}}\left[ X_L \right] = 10$
(b) $\mbox{{\bf\sf E}}\left[ X_S \right]=1$ and $\mbox{{\bf\sf E}}\left[ X_L \right] = 1$
(c) $\mbox{{\bf\sf E}}\left[ X_S \right]=10$ and $\mbox{{\bf\sf E}}\left[ X_L \right] = 1$
(pathological case)

Figure 5.4 illustrates the percentage improvement of the SBCS-ID and SBCS-CQ over the Dedicated with respect to the overall mean response time. The percentage change (in overall mean response time) against the Dedicated is plotted as a function of $\rho_S$ for SBCS-ID and SBCS-CQ. In the top row (respectively, bottom row), $\rho_L = 0.5$ (respectively, $\rho_L = 0.8$) is fixed. Namely, in the top row, the parameter settings are exactly the same as in Figure 5.3, while $\rho_L$ is set higher in the bottom row. Again, three columns correspond to three job size configurations.

Figure 5.4(a) shows that SBCS-ID and SBCS-CQ improves upon Dedicated with respect to the overall mean response time throughout the range of load, $\rho_S$, for both low $\rho_L$ (top row) and high $\rho_L$ (bottom row). As $\rho_S$ becomes higher, the improvement over Dedicate becomes greater. At $\rho_S = 1$, Dedicated becomes unstable, and the percentage change in the overall mean response time is $-100\%$ for both SBCS-ID and SBCS-CQ, which still provide finite overall mean response time at $\rho_S = 1$. (In fact, although not clear from the figure, the overall mean response time under SBCS-ID is slightly worse (within 0.1%) than that under Dedicated at very low load ( $\rho_S\leq 0.2$). By contrast, the overall mean response time under SBCS-CQ is always lower than that under Dedicated with these parameter settings.)

Figure 5.4(b) shows that SBCS-CQ improves upon Dedicated with respect to the overall mean response time for all $\rho_S$, for both low $\rho_L$ (top row) and high $\rho_L$ (bottom row), even if the short jobs and long jobs are indistinguishable. Again, the improvement over Dedicate becomes greater as $\rho_S$ becomes higher. On the other hand, the overall mean response time under SBCS-ID is slightly worse (within 5%) than that under Dedicated at low load (specifically, $\rho_S<0.4$ for $\rho_L = 0.5$ (top row) and $\rho_S<0.65$ for $\rho_L = 0.8$ (bottom row)). This makes intuitive sense, since SBCS-ID sends more jobs to the server with higher load if $\rho_S<\rho_L$. Overall, as long as $\rho_S\geq\rho_L$, both SBCS-ID and SBCS-CQ provides significant improvement over Dedicated, and this improvement becomes greater at higher $\rho_S$ and becomes unbounded at $\rho_S \geq 1$.

Figure 5.4(c) shows that when the ``short'' jobs are longer than the ``long'' jobs (in the pathological case), the overall mean response time under both SBCS-ID and SBCS-CQ can be higher than that under Dedicated, but for high enough $\rho_S$, SBCS-ID and SBCS-CQ can still provide unbounded benefit over Dedicated. In the figure, SBCS-CQ improves upon Dedicated if $\rho_S>\rho_L$ for both low $\rho_L$ (top row) and high $\rho_L$ (bottom row). (The advantage of SBCS-CQ does not necessarily occur exactly at $\rho_S>\rho_L$. For example, when $\rho_L\leq 0.3$, SBCS-CQ improves upon Dedicated for all $\rho_S$). On the other hand, SBCS-ID improves upon Dedicated only at high $\rho_S$, but again the improvement of both SBCS-ID and SBCS-CQ becomes greater at higher $\rho_S$ and becomes unbounded at $\rho_S \geq 1$.

Figure 5.4 shows that at higher $\rho_L$ (bottom row), both the benefit to the short jobs and the penalty to the long jobs are reduced, and overall the improvement (or disimprovement) of SBCS-ID and SBCS-CQ over Dedicated becomes smaller. This is to be expected, as there are fewer idle cycles to steal at higher $\rho_L$.

Figure 5.5: Effect of variability in long job size on the mean response time.
Effect of increasing long job size variability on short performance

Effect of increasing long job size variability on long performance

Effect of increasing long job size variability on overall performance
(a) $\mbox{{\bf\sf E}}\left[ X_S \right]=1$ and $\mbox{{\bf\sf E}}\left[ X_L \right] = 10$
(b) $\mbox{{\bf\sf E}}\left[ X_S \right]=1$ and $\mbox{{\bf\sf E}}\left[ X_L \right] = 1$
(c) $\mbox{{\bf\sf E}}\left[ X_S \right]=10$ and $\mbox{{\bf\sf E}}\left[ X_L \right] = 1$
(pathological case)

Figure 5.5 considers the effect of increasing the service demand variability of the long jobs. The parameter settings are the same as in Figure 5.3 and the top row of Figure 5.4, except that two curves are shown for each of Dedicated, SBCS-ID, and SBCS-CQ, corresponding to the case where the long jobs have a (two phase) PH distribution with $C^2_L=8$ and the case where the long jobs have an exponential distribution5.1.

Theorem 9 implies that when $C_L^2$ is increased from 1 to 8, the mean response time of the long jobs under SBCS-ID and under Dedicated increases by the same amount, and this can also be verified in the middle row of Figure 5.5. The figure also suggests that the the mean response time of the long jobs under SBCS-CQ increases by approximately the same amount as Dedicated. Closer examination shows that the difference in the increase in the mean response time of the long jobs between SBCS-CQ and Dedicated is only at most 0.4% in (a), at most 0.03% in (b), and at most 2.8% in (c), and the difference appears to be larger when the error in the analysis of SBCS-CQ against simulation is larger. Since the mean response time of the long jobs is higher with higher $C_L^2$, the percentage penalty of the long jobs is therefore considerably lessened when $C_L^2$ is increased.

The top row of Figure 5.5 shows that increasing long job size variability has surprisingly little impact on the mean response time of the short jobs under SBCS-ID when $\rho_S<1$, although there is a noticeable impact when $\rho_S > 1$ and the ``short'' jobs are shorter than the ``long'' jobs (column (a)). We would have expected the opposite: that shorts would prefer less variable long job sizes because that means less variable long busy periods and more regular help. In fact, this expectation better applies to SBCS-CQ: the mean response time of the short jobs under SBCS-CQ increases more significantly by increasing long job size variability. This makes intuitive sense, since the short jobs rely on the help from the long server more under SBCS-CQ than under SBCS-ID.

To summarize, we have seen that short jobs are tremendously helped by cycle stealing, and that SBCS-CQ offers greater improvements to short jobs than SBCS-ID. We have also seen that, provided that ``short'' jobs are no longer than ``long'' jobs, the penalty of cycle stealing on long jobs is negligible. This penalty is greater under SBCS-ID than under SBCS-CQ. Thus, SBCS-CQ is always superior to SBCS-ID, and both are typically far better than Dedicated.

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Takayuki Osogami 2005-07-19