Nathan Schneider

Postdoctoral researcher in computational linguistics/natural language processing

Academic background

University of Edinburgh September 2014–Present
Institute for Language, Cognition and Computation
School of Informatics
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

Postdoctoral researcher with Mark Steedman.

Research topic: computational modeling of grammar and meaning

Carnegie Mellon University August 2008–August 2014
Language Technologies Institute
School of Computer Science
Pittsburgh, PA

Ph.D. work in statistical natural language processing, advised by Noah Smith.

Research topics: machine learning for NLP, semantics, named entity recognition, corpus annotation, social media text, nonnative writing, Arabic NLP, text visualization

Dissertation: Lexical Semantic Analysis in Natural Language Text. (Defended June 19, 2014; submitted September 30, 2014.)

Information Sciences Institute, June 2012–August 2012
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA

Summer research intern with Kevin Knight.

Research topic: semantics for machine translation

University of California, Berkeley August 2004–May 2008
Berkeley, CA

B.A. with High Honors; Double Major in Computer Science (with Honors), Linguistics
Honors: Phi Beta Kappa; Computer Science Faculty Commendation

Research topics: construction grammar formalisms, Hebrew morphology, semantics, metonymy recognition, statistical news analysis
Thesis: “Hebrew Verb Morphology and Embodied Construction Grammar”

Industry experience

Microsoft May 2007–August 2007
Redmond, WA

Role: Software Development Intern
In the Office Sharepoint Search group, worked on designing and implementing a new feature for the next version of Office

Convergys June 2006–August 2006
Cincinnati, OH

Role: Software Intern
Involved in various aspects of the planning, development, and testing phases of customizations of a Java web application

CAD Centric Systems June 2003–July 2003
Cincinnati, OH

Role: Software Intern
Web design work, including use of Macromedia Flash

Teaching & mentorship

Foundations of Natural Language Processing (INFR09028) Spring 2016
University of Edinburgh

I expect to co-teach (along with Sharon Goldwater) this course for third-year undergraduates.

Edinburgh MSc thesis projects supervised in 2015
Committee member
Natural Language Processing (11-411) Spring 2011
Carnegie Mellon University

Role: Teaching assistant
Lectures: Lexical Semantics; Semantic Role Labeling and Relational Semantics

Advanced NLP Seminar (11-713) Spring 2010
Carnegie Mellon University

Role: Teaching assistant

Neural Basis of Thought and Language (CS C182) Spring 2008
University of California, Berkeley

Role: Course reader
Lecture: A Symbolic Formalism for Embodied Grammar

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (CS 61A) Spring 2006
University of California, Berkeley

Role: Lab assistant


The Logic of AMR: Practical, Unified, Graph-Based Sentence Semantics for NLP 2015-05-31
NAACL-HLT conference, Denver, CO

Co-presenters: Jeffrey Flanigan, Tim O’Gorman
Length: 3 hours

Getting the Roles Right: Using FrameNet in NLP 2015-05-31
NAACL-HLT conference, Denver, CO

Co-presenters: Collin Baker, Miriam R. L. Petruck, Michael Ellsworth
Length: 3 hours



Co-organizer: SemEval 2016 shared task on Detecting Minimal Semantic Units and their Meanings (with Dirk Hovy, Anders Johannsen, and Marine Carpuat)

Co-proposer: Theme session on Computational Aspects of Frames and Constructions for the International Conference on Construction Grammar 2016 (with Miriam R. L. Petruck)

Mentor: NAACL Student Research Workshop 2015

Reviewer for the journals Computational Linguistics, Transactions of the ACL, and Language Resources and Evaluation; and conferences/workshops including ACL, NAACL, EACL, EMNLP, COLING, CoNLL, ICML, and AAAI.

Area chair: Language Resources and Evaluation, ACL 2016 (with Nianwen Xue)

Invited panelist at the Linguistic Annotation Workshop, June 6, 2015 in Denver (topic: syntactic annotation of non-canonical language).

Invited facilitator at the FrameNet Workshop, September 9–13, 2013 in Berkeley.

At Edinburgh:


Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) design team, Summer 2012–present


Refereed Journal Articles

Reviews & Position Papers

Refereed Conference Papers

Refereed Workshop Papers


Technical and personal skills