0. DOCID:14067 1939 "The Bacteriostatic Action of Sulfanilamide under Anaerobic Conditions" 0.0163239050691317
1. DOCID:14530 1941 "Studies on Inhibition of Fermentation by Yeast Maceration Juice" 0.0160730333632237
2. DOCID:13670 1937 "Vitamin B1 and the Synthesis of Fat from Carbohydrate" 0.0108870724537315
3. DOCID:13984 1938 "Reversible Inactivation of Phosphatase" 0.0105994203978785
4. DOCID:13498 1936 "The Inactivation of Crystalline Tobacco-Mosaic Virus Protein" 0.0101891170838515
5. DOCID:13549 1937 "Vitamin B1 a Growth Factor for Higher Plants" 0.0101473551491861
6. DOCID:14471 1940 "The Synthesis of Phosphopyruvic Acid on Oxidation of Lactic Acid" 0.00950345530317369
7. DOCID:14281 1940 "A Theory of Protein Metabolism: The Transformation of Proteins" 0.00894239141751804
8. DOCID:13525 1937 "Proposed Chemical Mechanisms for the Production of Skin Erythema and Pigmentation by Radiant Energy" 0.00894114545936218
9. DOCID:14767 1942 "The Isolation of a New Oxidation-Reduction Enzyme from Lemon Peel (Vitamin P)" 0.00758542313124731
10. DOCID:14147 1939 "The Mode of Action of Sulphanilamid" 0.00720164837043504
11. DOCID:14718 1941 "The Enzymatic Link between Dihydro-Diphosphopyridine Nucleotide and Cytochrome C" 0.0071468959822875
12. DOCID:14301 1940 "The Utilization of L-Glucose by Mammalian Tissues and Bacteria" 0.00680190355510952
13. DOCID:13915 1938 "Xanthine Oxidase: An Alloxazine Proteid" 0.00640392288197587
14. DOCID:13585 1937 "The Preparation of Crystalline $ \beta $ -4-Glucosidosorbitol and Its Nonomethyl Derivative" 0.00629054471031229