0. DOCID:5672 1905 "Discovery of the Comanche Formation in Southeastern Colorado" 0.0184426026325585
1. DOCID:2834 1893 "The Utica Shale in Stephenson County, Illinois" 0.0166944809692475
2. DOCID:5153 1903 "Notes on the Geology of Long Island" 0.0165028539565371
3. DOCID:42 1881 "The Excavation of the Bed of the Kaaterskill, N. Y." 0.0161756390618528
4. DOCID:4782 1902 "Geological Excursions in the Pittsburgh Coal Region" 0.0161222167466748
5. DOCID:6092 1907 "Origin of Sink-Holes" 0.0153358281059208
6. DOCID:6170 1907 "Cone in Cone" 0.0145897620004906
7. DOCID:150 1881 "Canons-Their Character and Origin" 0.014495397741976
8. DOCID:6021 1907 "Pleistocene Terracing in the North Carolina Coastal Plain" 0.0142942653458192
9. DOCID:4280 1900 "Indian Pictographs on the Dakota Sandstone" 0.0142432706480814
10. DOCID:4957 1902 "The Stratigraphic Position of the Judith River Beds. A Correction of Mr. Hatcher's Correction" 0.0141598696342392
11. DOCID:4418 1900 "Granites of the Sierra Costa Mountains in California" 0.0141017486608917
12. DOCID:236 1881 "The Excavation of the Grand Canon of the Colorado River" 0.0136290328619071
13. DOCID:6803 1910 "Preliminary Note on the Life of Glacial Lake Chicago" 0.013569934611427
14. DOCID:2980 1893 "An Old Volcanic Eruption in Iowa" 0.0129732522208143