0. DOCID:4507 1901 "Yellow Fever" 0.025584059813859
1. DOCID:4630 1901 "Circular of Information in Regard to the Causation and Prevention of Malarial Fever" 0.0228184070976468
2. DOCID:5602 1905 "The Advance of Our Knowledge of the Causation and Methods of Prevention of Stock Diseases in South Africa During the Last Ten Years" 0.0187747421462585
3. DOCID:4019 1899 "The Bacillus Icteroides as the Cause of Yellow Fever" 0.017112328201782
4. DOCID:4884 1902 "Bacterium Truttoe, a New Species of Bacterium Pathogenic to Trout" 0.0167533308922712
5. DOCID:4897 1902 "Nature of the Specific Bacterial Toxins" 0.0150972331141667
6. DOCID:4909 1902 "The Bitter Rot Disease of Apples" 0.0148967774877106
7. DOCID:5566 1905 "Note on the Occurrence on Grain of Organisms Resembling the Bacillus coli communis" 0.0146154249795717
8. DOCID:4325 1900 "Navy Report on Wireless Telegraphy" 0.0145712942569387
9. DOCID:4858 1902 "A Note on Methods of Isolating Colon Bacilli" 0.0140519755256732
10. DOCID:5301 1904 "The Animal Parasite Supposed to be the Cause of Yellow Fever" 0.0138925221554332
11. DOCID:5146 1903 "Bacterial Spot, a New Disease of Carnations" 0.0128868741958826
12. DOCID:4141 1899 "Enzymes as Remedies in Infectious Diseases" 0.0112121950704677
13. DOCID:4401 1900 "Yellow Fever and Mosquitoes" 0.0108870004277753
14. DOCID:4991 1902 "Pear Blight in California" 0.0102793757766468