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3. DOCID:20579 1965 "Air Pollution Affects Pattern of Photosynthesis in Parmelia sulcata, a Corticolous Lichen" 0.026657646745049
4. DOCID:12665 1933 "The Need of Opportunity for Exceptional Ability" 0.0258396914529655
5. DOCID:7812 1914 "A Rust--New on Apples, Pears and Other Pome Fruits" 0.0256722618952005
6. DOCID:22150 1971 "Underground Nuclear Explosions: Tectonic Utility and Dangers" 0.0231726215129864
7. DOCID:24056 1979 "Toxic Waste Disposal a Growing Problem" 0.0214102626383736
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11. DOCID:20959 1966 "Food Imprinting in the Snapping Turtle, Chelydra serpentina" 0.0148914366073601
12. DOCID:20039 1963 "Tritium Distribution in Ground Water around Large Underground Fusion Explosions" 0.0148693243900389
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