0. DOCID:15795 1946 "Committee for a National Science Foundation" 0.0265153448070938
1. DOCID:18717 1957 "Erratum: Isotope Effects in Gas-Liquid Chromatography" 0.0130194275467393
2. DOCID:15495 1944 "Recently Starred Botanists and Zoologists" 0.0121292978612477
3. DOCID:18654 1957 "Erratum: Potentially Simple Technique for Rearing Germ-Free Fish" 0.0115569229035927
4. DOCID:15194 1943 "Cirques, Hanging Valleys and High-Level Benches in Glacier National Park" 0.00827853060544433
5. DOCID:18145 1955 "Erratum: Effect of 2.4-D on Resperation and on Destruction of IAA in Oat and Sunflower Tissues" 0.00738566834524247
6. DOCID:17163 1951 "The Origins of American Scientists" 0.00585733193987322
7. DOCID:16843 1950 "The Cooperative Committee for the Teaching of Science: A Report to the AAAS Council, December, 1949" 0.00507974949708689
8. DOCID:18296 1956 "High-School Students as Laboratory Assistants" 0.0047455917662972
9. DOCID:15555 1945 "Scurvy in the Parry Expedition of 1819" 0.00465884929309644
10. DOCID:16503 1949 "Statement on Visa Action" 0.00455499621570807
11. DOCID:18488 1956 "Verifying Useless Knowledge" 0.00414761916073367
12. DOCID:16650 1949 "A Simple Device for Exposure of Groups of Mice to Uniform X-Ray Doses" 0.00411378645611312
13. DOCID:17491 1952 "Radiation Sensitivity of Benzene-d6" 0.00380609631892624
14. DOCID:16494 1948 "Distribution of Funds for Medical Research" 0.00372394913419386