0. DOCID:10061 1923 "Positive Ion Currents from the Positive Column of Mercury Arcs" 0.0132674883180603
1. DOCID:10520 1925 "Unicrystalline Palladium Wires" 0.0121250546017828
2. DOCID:10864 1926 "A Neglected Capillarity Effect" 0.010576992819395
3. DOCID:9818 1922 "Sealing Quartz to Glass with Silver Chloride" 0.0103602078202491
4. DOCID:10354 1924 "Respiratory Exchange of the Frog" 0.0100156997025347
5. DOCID:10491 1924 "Sensitive Flames and Apparent Flame Pressure" 0.00952616977262229
6. DOCID:10329 1924 "A New Type of Electric Discharge: The Streamer Discharge" 0.00914181372297871
7. DOCID:9642 1921 "Researches in Helminthology and Parasitology" 0.00904686567060747
8. DOCID:11125 1927 "A Container for Field Collection of Mosquito Larvae" 0.00898418513029438
9. DOCID:11067 1927 "E.M.F. Induced in a Straight Wire by a Current in a Parallel Straight Conductor" 0.00877767864320645
10. DOCID:10597 1925 "High Voltage Cathode Rays outside the Generating Tube" 0.00855139900633859
11. DOCID:10180 1923 "A Histological Slide Drying Plate" 0.0084284900384823
12. DOCID:10488 1924 "Electric Conductivity of Red Blood Corpuscles Using High Frequency Alternating Currents" 0.00836127344649031
13. DOCID:10190 1923 "Thermionic Effects Caused by Alkali Vapors in Vacuum Tubes" 0.0083548636913982
14. DOCID:10505 1925 "On the X-Ray Diffraction Effects from Solid Fatty Acids" 0.00832340226133818