0. DOCID:21445 1968 "Hydra viridis: Inhibition by the Basal Disk of Basal Disk Differentiation" 0.0208163274009172
1. DOCID:21384 1968 "Flea Ctenophthalmus: Heterogeneous Hexagonally Organized Layer in the Midgut" 0.017589265077316
2. DOCID:21160 1967 "Bud Movement in Hydra" 0.0164280399805302
3. DOCID:20961 1966 "Synapses of Horizontal Cells in Rabbit and Cat Retinas" 0.016161061809236
4. DOCID:21524 1969 "Scanning Electron Microscopy of Fixed, Frozen, and Dried Protozoa" 0.0137953589877532
5. DOCID:21474 1968 "Tyrosine Enteroreceptor of Hydra: Its Function in Eliciting a Behavior Modification" 0.0136132667708694
6. DOCID:21696 1969 "The Mechanism of Muscular Contraction" 0.0113077084162757
7. DOCID:21152 1967 "Regeneration in Crustacean Motoneurons: Evidence for Axonal Fusion" 0.0112559223736365
8. DOCID:20661 1965 "Foveal Receptors of the Monkey Retina: Fine Structure" 0.0109998064997362
9. DOCID:20851 1966 "Cilia in Nematode Sensory Organs" 0.0101813303536259
10. DOCID:20753 1966 "Touch Receptor of Venus Flytrap, Dionaea muscipula" 0.0101116960079407
11. DOCID:21645 1969 "Inhibition of Hydroid Aging in Campanularia flexuosa" 0.00940991461859107
12. DOCID:22260 1972 "Scanning Electron Microscopy of the Human Fallopian Tube" 0.00934560684901976
13. DOCID:22479 1972 "Herpes-Type Virus Particles Associated with a Fungus" 0.0091458165587493
14. DOCID:21661 1969 "Perineurium: Evidence for Contractile Elements" 0.00893716210382043