0. DOCID:4167 1899 "Evolution of the Embouchure in North American Indian Flageolets" 0.015129231173307
1. DOCID:6097 1907 "The Ether Freezing Microtome, in Botanical Technique" 0.013465326563755
2. DOCID:6077 1907 "Pierre Eugene Marcellin Berthelot" 0.0131002530280198
3. DOCID:5782 1906 "Preserving Spiders' Webs" 0.0128496675515418
4. DOCID:7372 1912 "Preparation of Whole Pollen Mother Cells" 0.0119757619053336
5. DOCID:84 1881 "How to Obtain the Brain of the Cat. Felis domestica" 0.0112858220035661
6. DOCID:6593 1909 "Notes on Some Salamanders and Lizards of North Georgia" 0.0111974764112935
7. DOCID:5599 1905 "Internal Infection of the Wheat Grain by Rust--A New Observation" 0.0109901122948927
8. DOCID:4314 1900 "Do the Reactions of the Lower Animals Against Injury Indicate Pain Sensations?" 0.00909683313231673
9. DOCID:6274 1908 "Note on the Occurrence of Rhodochytrium Spilanthidis Lagerheim in North America" 0.00898459225105707
10. DOCID:2971 1893 "The Cleansing Function of Hairs" 0.00886131661045276
11. DOCID:789 1885 "Natural Enemies of Oysters" 0.00859485306077543
12. DOCID:4113 1899 "The Storing of Pamphlets" 0.0085650123744841
13. DOCID:6297 1908 "A Method of Sending Pure Cultures of Fungi" 0.00849642207127074
14. DOCID:7210 1911 "Miastor and Embryology" 0.00848828462271673