0. DOCID:22442 1972 "Cortical Afferents to the Entorhinal Cortex of the Rhesus Monkey" 0.0223592808342547
1. DOCID:22337 1972 "Theta Rhythm and Memory" 0.0200059557131417
2. DOCID:21400 1968 "Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (Spongiform Encephalopathy): Transmission to the Chimpanzee" 0.0190213720572475
3. DOCID:20120 1963 "Caudate Nucleus Lesions: Behavioral Effects in the Rat" 0.0157872665642432
4. DOCID:21489 1968 "Neuronal Correlates of Behavior in Freely Moving Rats" 0.0146230810825697
5. DOCID:20385 1964 "Dialysis of Sleep and Waking Factors in Blood of the Rabbit" 0.0142783993478588
6. DOCID:21637 1969 "Biosatellite III: Preliminary Findings" 0.0130160830888565
7. DOCID:20292 1964 "Behavioral and Electroencephalographic Arousal to Contrasting Novel Stimulation" 0.0128746639722489
8. DOCID:19616 1961 "Tonus of Extrinsic Laryngeal Muscles during Sleep and Dreaming" 0.0124818834888895
9. DOCID:19945 1962 "Double Visual Learning in Split-Brain Monkeys" 0.0116711565209354
10. DOCID:19636 1961 "Drugs in the Brain" 0.011617194167964
11. DOCID:20384 1964 "Habituation of Responses to Novel Stimuli in Monkeys with Selective Frontal Lesions" 0.0114732672341056
12. DOCID:20761 1966 "Cerebral Concussion in the Monkey: An Experimental Model" 0.0113421152053854
13. DOCID:21824 1970 "Brain Adenosine Triphosphate: Decreased Concentration Precedes Convulsions" 0.0112556569093941
14. DOCID:22229 1971 "Dissociation of Impairment after Lateral and Medial Prefrontal Lesions in Dogs" 0.0103418755713776