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1. DOCID:23670 1977 "Neuronal Circadian Rhythm: Phase Shifting by a Protein Synthesis Inhibitor" 0.0149833645036025
2. DOCID:23337 1976 "Circadian Rhythms" 0.0136361434879043
3. DOCID:23068 1975 "Heteropolypeptides from Poly-$\alpha $-Cyanoglycine and Hydrogen Cyanide: A Model for the Origin of Proteins" 0.0136218181231539
4. DOCID:25296 1984 "The Interleukin-2 T-Cell System: A New Cell Growth Model" 0.0126409382881059
5. DOCID:23024 1975 "Terrestrial Timekeeping and General Relativity-A Discovery" 0.01178986668599
6. DOCID:25922 1986 "A 40-Million-Year Lake Record of Early Mesozoic Orbital Climatic Forcing" 0.0107462930727225
7. DOCID:25458 1984 "Wolves, Moose, and the Allometry of Population Cycles" 0.0107045562590483
8. DOCID:24011 1979 "Circadian Rhythm of Serotonin N-Acetyltransferase Activity in Organ Culture of Chicken Pineal Gland" 0.00884571370657888
9. DOCID:23698 1977 "Circadian Rhythm of Synaptic Excitability in Rat and Monkey Central Nervous System" 0.00873309751714624
10. DOCID:25195 1983 "Circumglobal Transport of the El Chichon Volcanic Dust Cloud" 0.00844245322758786
11. DOCID:25832 1986 "An Optical Measurement of Berry's Phase" 0.00825273834960558
12. DOCID:25380 1984 "New Clues to Developmental Timing" 0.00744020106311258
13. DOCID:23275 1976 "The Maunder Minimum" 0.00735348039003898
14. DOCID:25973 1986 "Multiple Sensitive Periods in the Development of the Primate Visual System" 0.00656277689584206