0. DOCID:29762 2002 "Robotic Laboratory Automation" 0.00896518626210057
1. DOCID:28144 1995 "Megabucks for Megajoules?" 0.00613568479540521
2. DOCID:28690 1997 "New Imaging Methods Provide a Better View Into the Brain" 0.00607268709897152
3. DOCID:28232 1995 "Ecological Experiments with Model Systems" 0.0059793169306545
4. DOCID:28579 1997 "Labs Take Aim at Rapid-Fire Lasers for Fusion Power" 0.00556486246064744
5. DOCID:29864 2002 "Another Look at $MgB_2$ and YBCO Wires" 0.00523722237601097
6. DOCID:28565 1997 "Doubts Over Spectacular Dates" 0.0048497914236255
7. DOCID:29095 1999 "Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Single Biomolecules" 0.00481252324627025
8. DOCID:28552 1997 "Water on the Sun: Molecules Everywhere" 0.00424362517327497
9. DOCID:29073 1999 "IRB Review and Consent in Human Tissue Research" 0.00376030141200345
10. DOCID:29517 2001 "Near-Field Coherent Spectroscopy and Microscopy of a Quantum Dot System" 0.00358874274794725
11. DOCID:29253 2000 "Gene Targeting by Homologous Recombination in Drosophila" 0.00341567505560986
12. DOCID:29090 1999 "Genetics of Mouse Behavior: Interactions with Laboratory Environment" 0.00339251341798995
13. DOCID:28666 1997 "New Technique Maps the Body Electric" 0.00329847385210704
14. DOCID:28255 1996 "A First Glimpse of Strange Matter?" 0.00329255517484927