0. DOCID:14557 1941 "The Artificial Synthesis of a 42-Chromosome Wheat" 0.0137917288171422
1. DOCID:11719 1929 "Chromosome Morphology in Zea Mays" 0.0137388416076886
2. DOCID:12847 1934 "Chromosome Structure in the Salivary Glands of Sciara" 0.0133312602656287
3. DOCID:11442 1928 "A Genic Disturbance of Meiosis in Zea Mays" 0.0106246978390762
4. DOCID:13956 1938 "Root and Shoot Production Induced in Cabbage by Beta (3) Indole-Acetic Acid" 0.0103626644662123
5. DOCID:13044 1935 "Abstracts of Papers" 0.00937476602917188
6. DOCID:14261 1940 "A Method of Substituting Pine Sapwood for Malt Agar in Culturing Test Fungi" 0.00842099734253796
7. DOCID:11300 1928 "A Note on the Chromosomes of Moina Macrocopa" 0.00820768876929406
8. DOCID:12758 1934 "The Importance of Diameter as a Factor in Myelination" 0.00817374106048022
9. DOCID:14122 1939 "On the Presence of Azotobacter Agilis in America" 0.00811031319775475
10. DOCID:14748 1941 "Change from Self-Incompatibility to Self-Compatibility Accompanying Change from Diploidy to Tetraploidy" 0.00765296203584469
11. DOCID:11490 1928 "The Mutant Paramecium Aurelia" 0.00761385723803426
12. DOCID:11476 1928 "Aberrant Heterothallism in a Homothallic Coprinus" 0.00760497706904128
13. DOCID:14841 1942 "Nature of Group Theory" 0.0075722337506166
14. DOCID:13218 1935 "The Cross-Inoculation of Bacterial-Plant Group of Cicer" 0.00755432544703025