0. DOCID:7200 1911 "``Genotype'' and ``Pure Line''" 0.0151690778131309
1. DOCID:3756 1898 "The Conference of Science Teachers in the Trans-Mississippi Educational Convention" 0.0131953862295978
2. DOCID:5476 1904 "On the Development of Palisade Tissue and Resinous Deposits in Leaves" 0.0121840030885961
3. DOCID:7455 1912 "Pearl and Jennings on Assortative Conjugation in the Protozoa" 0.0111606680974548
4. DOCID:5894 1906 "The Terminology of Aberrant Chromosomes and Their Behavior in Certain Hemiptera" 0.011110683349958
5. DOCID:4268 1900 "The First Species Named As the Type of the Genus" 0.0106978817487446
6. DOCID:6329 1908 "An Interpretation of Elementary Species" 0.00995739425456258
7. DOCID:7324 1912 "The Symbolic Statement of Relationships" 0.00887407200467063
8. DOCID:6232 1907 "A Preliminary Note on the Chromosomes of Oenothera Lamarckiana and One of its Mutants, O. Gigas" 0.00883759041391595
9. DOCID:7488 1912 "The Lagomorphs an Independent Order" 0.00859878749715856
10. DOCID:7308 1912 "``Genotypes,'' ``Biotypes,'' ``Pure Lines'' and ``Clones''" 0.00795469747655248
11. DOCID:5516 1905 "A Revision of the Coccaceae" 0.00774139603528994
12. DOCID:6108 1907 "Elementary Species and Hybrids of Bursa" 0.00746696148763572
13. DOCID:5935 1906 "Isolation and the Evolution of Species" 0.00746019099385237
14. DOCID:4358 1900 "On the Evidence of the Unionidae Regarding the Former Courses of the Tennessee and Other Southern Rivers" 0.00731396233141661