0. DOCID:4166 1899 "American Mathematical Society" 0.00681243494921525
1. DOCID:5848 1906 "Section G--Botany" 0.00583421820381352
2. DOCID:6129 1907 "The Annual Dues of Members of the American Association for the Advancement of Science" 0.00565879855111615
3. DOCID:6425 1908 "The Address of the President of the British Association for the Advancement of Science--I" 0.0055570869975575
4. DOCID:6358 1908 "Medical Laboratories: Their Relations to Medical Practise and to Medical Discovery" 0.0055559981238427
5. DOCID:4036 1899 "Lectures at the American Museum of Natural History, New York" 0.00547630958729573
6. DOCID:6458 1908 "Section A--Mathematics and Astronomy" 0.00521782371351131
7. DOCID:4756 1902 "The Centenary of Hugh Miller" 0.00499011212087957
8. DOCID:4147 1899 "The International Association of Academies" 0.00495682555844485
9. DOCID:3768 1898 "On a Suitable Name for the New Planet" 0.00481902779823071
10. DOCID:5718 1905 "The Harvey Society of New York City" 0.0048018186034606
11. DOCID:6563 1909 "Physical Exercise from the Stand-Point of Physiology" 0.004627677399825
12. DOCID:4262 1900 "The International Association of Scientific Societies" 0.00454553102928371
13. DOCID:5408 1904 "Invitation to the International Congress of Arts and Science" 0.00453845481997794
14. DOCID:4850 1902 "Scientific Research" 0.00453156349446219