0. DOCID:4543 1901 "Remarkable Discoveries" 0.0114614076665424
1. DOCID:4441 1900 "Plant Geography of North America" 0.0105564173365696
2. DOCID:3943 1898 "Northern Rocky Mountain Glaciers" 0.00953696177189478
3. DOCID:3783 1898 "Surveys of the Gateways to Alaska" 0.00890762687900547
4. DOCID:4784 1902 "The Wreck of Mt. Mazama" 0.00680634238788428
5. DOCID:4358 1900 "On the Evidence of the Unionidae Regarding the Former Courses of the Tennessee and Other Southern Rivers" 0.00677000015193613
6. DOCID:4474 1900 "Plant Geography of North America" 0.00669154709130725
7. DOCID:3831 1898 "A Half-Century of Evolution, with Special Reference to the Effects of Geological Changes on Animal Life (II.)" 0.00656135286136504
8. DOCID:4924 1902 "The Submarine Valleys of the California Coast" 0.00631470794954228
9. DOCID:5421 1904 "Biological Survey of the Waters of Southern California by the Marine Laboratory of the University of California at San Diego" 0.00630435374052525
10. DOCID:4318 1900 "Note on the Siluro-Devonic Boundary" 0.0061068893561354
11. DOCID:5266 1904 "Instability of the Water Supply of the Rio Grande" 0.00608487718532472
12. DOCID:4467 1900 "The Relations of the North American Flora to that of South America" 0.00591774034388405
13. DOCID:5531 1905 "Report of the Coast and Geodetic Survey for 1904" 0.00588991111011951
14. DOCID:4938 1902 "The Grand Gulf Formation" 0.0056765878571221