0. DOCID:21536 1969 "Fossil Maize from Panama" 0.0198020209794204
1. DOCID:22213 1971 "Plate Tectonics (II): Mountain Building and Continental Geology" 0.0166112232472942
2. DOCID:20836 1966 "Baffin Island Refugia Older than 54,000 Years" 0.0150282495152473
3. DOCID:21632 1969 "Circum-Pacific Late Cenozoic Structural Rejuvenation: Implications for Sea Floor Spreading" 0.0148805397750794
4. DOCID:22172 1971 "Plate Tectonics: The Geophysics of the Earth's Surface" 0.0138058198321338
5. DOCID:22059 1971 "Earthquake Prediction and Control" 0.0136860872431541
6. DOCID:21216 1967 "Vertebrate Evidence of a Low Sea Level in the Middle Pliocene" 0.013367896330849
7. DOCID:21331 1968 "The Pleistocene Vegetation of Northern Eurasia" 0.0133234838593565
8. DOCID:21222 1967 "Radiolarian Evidence Consistent with Spreading of the Pacific Floor" 0.0131853931244787
9. DOCID:21369 1968 "Spreading of the Ocean Floor: Undeformed Sediments in the Peru-Chile Trench" 0.012540073827046
10. DOCID:21088 1967 "Sediment Distribution on the Mid-Ocean Ridges with Respect to Spreading of the Sea Floor" 0.0117923919281694
11. DOCID:21947 1970 "Early Holocene Ooids in Modern Littoral Sands Reworked from a Coastal Terrace, Southern Tunisia" 0.0113211336399172
12. DOCID:22289 1972 "Relic Pleistocene Permafrost, Western Arctic, Canada" 0.0105407867089484
13. DOCID:21250 1968 "Evolution of Fossil Invertebrate Communities: Additional Factors" 0.0102957947979246
14. DOCID:20972 1966 "Nebraskan and Kansan Stades: Complexity and Importance" 0.0100556256775988