0. DOCID:19554 1961 "The Earth's Free Oscillations" 0.016457245542497
1. DOCID:18761 1958 "Pigments in the Flower of Fu-Yong (Hibiscus mutabilis L.)" 0.0144257506898719
2. DOCID:19745 1961 "Conformal Transformations and Space Travel" 0.0136221718010528
3. DOCID:19317 1960 "Geomagnetic Rotational Retardation of Satellite 1959$\alpha $1 (Vanguard II)" 0.0135106816608167
4. DOCID:20452 1964 "Libration of Pluto-Neptune" 0.0129009289203621
5. DOCID:19030 1959 "The Clock Paradox" 0.0114208492343229
6. DOCID:19525 1961 "Group and Phase Velocities for Rayleigh Waves of Period Greater than 380 Seconds" 0.0110503167453286
7. DOCID:19995 1962 "Linear Programming" 0.0102605570234441
8. DOCID:19975 1962 "Time Dilatation" 0.0102539125922772
9. DOCID:18978 1958 "Role of Magnesium in Enzyme-Catalyzed Syntheses Involving Adenosine Triphosphate" 0.00993290242868813
10. DOCID:19873 1962 "Electron Spin Resonance" 0.00991414804703734
11. DOCID:19057 1959 "Magnetic Storms" 0.00979872323316355
12. DOCID:19813 1962 "Binding of Inert Gas Halogenide Molecules" 0.00939533814880209
13. DOCID:19429 1960 "Long-Period Seismic Waves from Nuclear Explosions in Various Environments" 0.00911628520569191
14. DOCID:19615 1961 "Phototropic Inversion in Phycomyces" 0.00877276429328997