0. DOCID:17444 1952 "Brain Waves and Unit Discharge in Cerebral Cortex" 0.0207097492659888
1. DOCID:18258 1956 "Observations on the Cortical Mechanism of EEG Activation Accompanying Behavioral Arousal" 0.0202256082612939
2. DOCID:18365 1956 "Activity of Cerebral Neurons in the Transition from Wakefulness to Sleep" 0.0198252279856773
3. DOCID:18693 1957 "Oscillating Corticonuclear Dipole in the Basal Forebrain of the Cat" 0.0188726471987932
4. DOCID:17497 1952 "A Possible Mechanism for the Nerve-Blocking Action of n-Amyl Carbamate" 0.0154766892700789
5. DOCID:18326 1956 "Blocking Effect of Ethyl Alcohol on Inhibitory Synapses in the Eye of Limulus" 0.0136219747217534
6. DOCID:18519 1957 "Limited Reliability of Precordial Electrodes as Vectorcardiographic Leads" 0.0126459629885321
7. DOCID:18494 1956 "Nonspecificity of ATP-Contraction of Living Muscle" 0.0120764189902775
8. DOCID:18396 1956 "Criteria for Assessing Effects of Drugs on Posttetanic Potentiation" 0.0112001374686388
9. DOCID:16970 1950 "The Potentiation of Muscular Contraction by the Nitrate-Ion" 0.0111325403665139
10. DOCID:18502 1957 "Water Taste in Phormia" 0.0109670445479777
11. DOCID:18394 1956 "Effect of Hypothermia on Epileptiform Activity in the Primate Temporal Lobe" 0.0107335322043318
12. DOCID:18218 1955 "Neglected Aspects of Electroosmosis in Porous Bodies" 0.0103409156805939
13. DOCID:18093 1955 "Stimulation of Limbic System of Brain in Waking Animals" 0.0102231504528619
14. DOCID:18177 1955 "Direct Recording from the A-V Conducting System in the Dog and Monkey" 0.00923640473985471