0. DOCID:22325 1972 "Thalamocortical Relay Neurons: Antidromic Invasion of Spikes from a Cortical Epileptogenic Focus" 0.0293162414620108
1. DOCID:22258 1972 "Diphasic Postsynaptic Potential: A Chemical Synapse Capable of Mediating Conjoint Excitation and Inhibition" 0.0264097526897182
2. DOCID:22483 1972 "Neuromuscular Transmission: Inhibition by Manganese Ions" 0.0242456892139962
3. DOCID:21150 1967 "DDT: Interaction with Nerve Membrane Conductance Changes" 0.0207388545151332
4. DOCID:21483 1968 "Dorsal Root Potentials and Ventral Root Reflexes Evoked by Nonmyelinated Fibers" 0.019762822446661
5. DOCID:21069 1967 "Ionic Mechanisms of Cholinergic Excitation in Molluscan Neurons" 0.0196574152532865
6. DOCID:20813 1966 "Anteroventral Cochlear Nucleus: Wave Forms of Extracellularly Recorded Spike Potentials" 0.0167228059974313
7. DOCID:22204 1971 "Supraoptic Neurosecretory Cells: Autonomic Modulation" 0.015740000038165
8. DOCID:21540 1969 "Hemicholinium-3: Noncholinergic Effects on Squid Axons" 0.0150500643716433
9. DOCID:21576 1969 "Neuron Function Inferred from Behavioral and Electrophysiological Estimates of Refractory Period" 0.0146282549162955
10. DOCID:22442 1972 "Cortical Afferents to the Entorhinal Cortex of the Rhesus Monkey" 0.0144922605998553
11. DOCID:21709 1969 "Analysis of Restricted Neural Networks" 0.014366052169209
12. DOCID:22217 1971 "Bilateral Symmetry and Interneuronal Organization in the Buccal Ganglia of Aplysia" 0.0140451537446198
13. DOCID:21152 1967 "Regeneration in Crustacean Motoneurons: Evidence for Axonal Fusion" 0.0132728494961183
14. DOCID:21383 1968 "Functional Congruence: An Index of Neural Homogeneity and a New Measure of Brain Activity" 0.0129373151681416