0. DOCID:25974 1986 "Three-Dimensional Structure of Favin: Saccharide Binding--Cyclic Permutation in Leguminous Lectins" 0.01509978156751
1. DOCID:25513 1985 "A Test of Clathrin Function in Protein Secretion and Cell Growth" 0.0133788079789044
2. DOCID:25656 1985 "A Glycophospholipid Tail at the Carboxyl Terminus of the Thy-1 Glycoprotein of Neurons and Thymocytes" 0.0124182768858675
3. DOCID:25692 1985 "Expression in Brain of a Messenger RNA Encoding a Novel Neuropeptide Homologous to Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide" 0.0105004597445014
4. DOCID:26074 1987 "A Chimeric, Ligand-Binding v-erbB/EGF Receptor Retains Transforming Potential" 0.0100510662830801
5. DOCID:26123 1987 "Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule: Structure, Immunoglobulin-Like Domains, Cell Surface Modulation, and Alternative RNA Splicing" 0.00992543395537869
6. DOCID:26146 1987 "Evidence for Dispensable Sequences Inserted into a Nucleotide Fold" 0.00990183653425798
7. DOCID:24492 1980 "Newly Made Proteins Zip Through the Cell" 0.00988638058143596
8. DOCID:25303 1984 "Acetylcholine Receptor: An Allosteric Protein" 0.0098324164058684
9. DOCID:25367 1984 "Oncogene Linked to Growth Factor Receptor" 0.00981289952381784
10. DOCID:24780 1982 "Solubilized Adenosine Receptors in the Brain: Regulation by Guanine Nucleotides" 0.00953816594594827
11. DOCID:25960 1986 "Mapping Epitopes on a Protein Antigen by the Proteolysis of Antigen-Antibody Complexes" 0.0092338809025758
12. DOCID:25557 1985 "Redesigning Trypsin: Alteration of Substrate Specificity" 0.0088682212281702
13. DOCID:25908 1986 "On the Origin of Bacterial Resistance to Penicillin: Comparison of a $\beta $-lactamase and a Penicillin Target" 0.00869572919604117
14. DOCID:25639 1985 "A Crystalline View of Protein-DNA Binding" 0.00860720047227595