0. DOCID:2464 1891 "The Feeding of Fowls" 0.0171724581952263
1. DOCID:1726 1888 "The Growth of Children" 0.00994121958449777
2. DOCID:2718 1892 "The Rattlesnake of the Bottom-Lands of Mississippi" 0.00631370973648868
3. DOCID:1732 1888 "Scarlet-Fever Report.--IV" 0.00602857211557871
4. DOCID:193 1881 "The Aye-Aye or Cheiromys of Madagascar" 0.0059053912120137
5. DOCID:2645 1892 "Infants' Movements" 0.0058077660346538
6. DOCID:2634 1892 "The Palenque Tablet" 0.00567630081028998
7. DOCID:2668 1892 "On Maya Chronology" 0.00564773355452102
8. DOCID:2093 1890 "Health Matters" 0.00541529884311768
9. DOCID:2374 1891 "The Vegetable Fibres of Trinidad" 0.00534140632664198
10. DOCID:189 1881 "Pilocarpin:-Its Action in Changing the Color of the Human Hair" 0.00531889355134296
11. DOCID:2321 1891 "Health Matters" 0.00525640571414484
12. DOCID:1955 1889 "The Sting of the Jelly-Fish" 0.00524671833513334
13. DOCID:1072 1886 "Waste in Wheat-Crops" 0.00517210628242425
14. DOCID:1345 1887 "Mental Science" 0.00489266684313041