0. DOCID:12044 1931 "Combination of Bacterial Polysaccharides and Collodion Particles as Antigens" 0.0507448015610298
1. DOCID:12267 1932 "On the Preparation of Hemolytic and Precipitating Sera" 0.030035019153494
2. DOCID:12391 1932 "The Transformation of Serum Albumin into Serum Globulins" 0.02792351370453
3. DOCID:12293 1932 "A Method of Immunization with Carbohydrate Haptens Adsorbed on Collodion Particles" 0.0258732814019796
4. DOCID:11667 1929 "A Possible Method of Enhancing the Therapeutic Action of Antibacterial Serums" 0.0162498476022112
5. DOCID:12663 1933 "Active Immunization to Anthrax by means of Heterophile Antigen" 0.014371735197803
6. DOCID:12926 1934 "A Gas Thermostat" 0.0129865254562274
7. DOCID:12821 1934 "Pneumococcus Antibodies--What are They?" 0.0129781352578327
8. DOCID:12354 1932 "A New Method for the Demonstration of Antigen-Antibody Combination" 0.0127961832241631
9. DOCID:12385 1932 "The Alleged Transformation of Serum Albumin into Serum Globulins" 0.0127056246769395
10. DOCID:12004 1931 "Human Serum, Age and Multiplication of Homologous Fibroblasts" 0.0117017057348676
11. DOCID:12842 1934 "Comparing Soil Fungicides with Special Reference to Phymato-Trichum Root Rot" 0.0116970242717773
12. DOCID:11812 1930 "The Displacement of Toxin from Neutralized Toxin-Antitoxin Mixtures by Toxoid Or Anatoxin" 0.0097870837159767
13. DOCID:12386 1932 "The Need for a New Experimental Approach in Immunology" 0.00962191984952732
14. DOCID:11287 1928 "The Effect of Cod Liver Oil on the Delayed Coagulation Time Following Experimental Obstructive Jaundice" 0.00939669853402265