0. DOCID:19727 1961 "Reorganization of Science and Research in the U.S.S.R." 0.0134791988861202
1. DOCID:19466 1960 "National Science Foundation: A Ten-Year Resume" 0.0131941781079599
2. DOCID:19321 1960 "Rainbow Bridge" 0.0127939188015595
3. DOCID:19639 1961 "Law of Aging" 0.0123647627876021
4. DOCID:19530 1961 "Scientists and American Science Policy" 0.0120778013916799
5. DOCID:19785 1962 "On the Feasibility of Peace" 0.0099908306487695
6. DOCID:19580 1961 "The International Geophysical Month" 0.00933965713219861
7. DOCID:19022 1959 "Report of the Special Committee" 0.00926244030877306
8. DOCID:19394 1960 "Science and Human Welfare" 0.00907333401927019
9. DOCID:20158 1963 "Primary Scientific Publication and the Federal Government" 0.00896500756225415
10. DOCID:19046 1959 "Research in Space" 0.00870863213023741
11. DOCID:18770 1958 "Permafrost Research" 0.00838597622474236
12. DOCID:18997 1958 "1958 Parliament of Science" 0.00838571964404684
13. DOCID:20389 1964 "Erratum: Statistical Models for Predicting Numbers of Plant Species" 0.00814116962118275
14. DOCID:19867 1962 "Erratum: Intracellular Oxidation Reduction States in Vivo" 0.00813115488624232