0. DOCID:24356 1980 "Managing State Energy Conservation Programs: The Minnesota Experience" 0.0143596502320542
1. DOCID:22861 1974 "Presidential Science Advising" 0.0143486934887816
2. DOCID:23005 1975 "Erratum: Scientific Freedom and Responsibility" 0.0122970895830971
3. DOCID:23596 1977 "Energy: Brazil Seeks a Strategy Among Many Options" 0.0122549258160689
4. DOCID:23190 1975 "Earthwatch" 0.0120402281129551
5. DOCID:23668 1977 "Erratum: Penicillin-Resistant Gonorrhea: New Strain Spreading Worldwide" 0.0118548314187784
6. DOCID:24419 1980 "Science Advice" 0.0113220469769816
7. DOCID:22787 1974 "A Policy for Investment in Biomedical Research" 0.0109995253120568
8. DOCID:23703 1977 "Remote Sensing (I): Landsat Takes Hold in South America" 0.0106914291576149
9. DOCID:22911 1974 "Exploring the Solar System (IV): What Future for Space Science?" 0.0103173462491758
10. DOCID:24887 1982 "Government-University Relationships" 0.0102948542390029
11. DOCID:23751 1978 "How Valuable Are Scientific Exchanges with the Soviet Union?" 0.0101285681946261
12. DOCID:23019 1975 "AGRIS" 0.0100104638511558
13. DOCID:23901 1978 "Erratum: Ecological Principles and Antecedents" 0.009897110671297
14. DOCID:25373 1984 "Scientific Communication and National Security in 1984" 0.00987592680710487