0. DOCID:2706 1892 "Tox-Albumin Diphtheria" 0.03728458885024
1. DOCID:353 1883 "Composition of the Mesoderm" 0.0221907544145767
2. DOCID:335 1883 "Rainfall at Panama" 0.0209804999585763
3. DOCID:672 1884 "Development of the Thyroid and Thymus Glands and the Tongue" 0.0196310653845437
4. DOCID:361 1883 "Early Development of Reptiles" 0.0165686048168265
5. DOCID:123 1881 "White Corpuscles of the Blood" 0.0158270217570928
6. DOCID:1549 1888 "Values in Classification of the Stages of Growth and Decline, and Propositions for a New Nomenclature" 0.0154426853232226
7. DOCID:360 1883 "The Law of Nuclear Displacement, and Its Significance in Embryology" 0.0149784028451466
8. DOCID:376 1883 "Temperature and Ice of the Bavarian Lakes" 0.0143978441329068
9. DOCID:344 1883 "Oyster-Culture in Holland" 0.0138122291473112
10. DOCID:482 1883 "Anatomy and Histology of Polyophthalmus" 0.0124870873934057
11. DOCID:250 1883 "The Weather in June, 1883" 0.0120894341125748
12. DOCID:276 1883 "Urnatella gracilis, a Fresh-Water Polyzoan" 0.0119785823026702
13. DOCID:480 1883 "Baltimore Surface-Geology" 0.011747012731668
14. DOCID:343 1883 "Rainfall of Uberaba, Province of Minas Geraes, Brazil" 0.011741560672857