0. DOCID:16700 1949 "Blocking Action of Tetraethylammonium on Axon Reflexes in the Human Skin" 0.0210397041461175
1. DOCID:18732 1957 "On the Physiologic Significance of Monoamine Oxidase in Brain" 0.0203082910733187
2. DOCID:16106 1947 "Protection of Synaptic Transmission against Block by Nicotine" 0.0179699912680152
3. DOCID:16142 1947 "One Unconsidered Form of the Part Played by the Nervous System in the Development of Disease" 0.0164638800246324
4. DOCID:15413 1944 "The Demonstration of Tonic Neck and Labyrinthine Reflexes and Positive Heliotropic Responses in Normal Human Subjects" 0.0158379742581931
5. DOCID:18580 1957 "Mode of Action of Antigen and Other Smooth-Muscle Stimulants" 0.0145418808130716
6. DOCID:18325 1956 "Some Serotoninlike Activities of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide" 0.0141401016819975
7. DOCID:16761 1950 "Effect of Panparnit on Brain Wave Changes Induced by Diisopropyl Fluorophosphate (DFP)" 0.0137861425068228
8. DOCID:18266 1956 "Possible Mechanism of Tolerance to Narcotic Drugs" 0.013680411394417
9. DOCID:18588 1957 "Insect Spiracle as an Independent Effector" 0.0129793910866027
10. DOCID:16342 1948 "Facts and Theories about Sympathins" 0.0128249372254057
11. DOCID:18028 1955 "Serotonin Release as a Possible Mechanism of Reserpine Action" 0.0123519513870766
12. DOCID:18121 1955 "Potentiation of Pentobarbital Anesthesia by Isonicotinic Acid Hydrazide and Related Compounds" 0.011149596101719
13. DOCID:15877 1946 "Electrical Correlates of Peripheral Nerve Injury: A Preliminary Note" 0.0111304207160365
14. DOCID:18101 1955 "Systematic Effect of $C^{14}$-Labeling on Ion-Exchange Chromatography of Amino Acids" 0.010989322490018