0. DOCID:14440 1940 "Conversion of Estradiol to Estrone in Vivo" 0.0140003004130998
1. DOCID:14408 1940 "Effect of Estrogens and Androgens Alone and in Combination with Chorionic Gonadotropin on the Ovary of the Hypophysectomized Rat" 0.0134692554431711
2. DOCID:13195 1935 "Ergotocin" 0.0129912812635879
3. DOCID:14957 1942 "The Relation between the Urinary Excretion of Citric Acid and Calcium; Its Implications for Urinary Calcium Stone Formation" 0.0128250157801402
4. DOCID:13154 1935 "Crystalline Progestin and Inhibition of Uterine Motility in Vivo" 0.012676808916388
5. DOCID:14290 1940 "A New Technic for Staining Vaginal Smears" 0.0108125528017176
6. DOCID:13763 1938 "Photographic Nature of Tanning of the Human Skin as Shown by Studies of Male Hormone Therapy" 0.0107281844356147
7. DOCID:14826 1942 "Steroid Hormone Excretion by Normal and Pathological Individuals" 0.0103900130199032
8. DOCID:14855 1942 "A Simplified Procedure for the Concentration and Purification of Influenza Virus" 0.00943031384505544
9. DOCID:14739 1941 "Typical Urinary Crystals of Three Sulfanilamide Derivatives Produced in Vitro" 0.00795784678844336
10. DOCID:13909 1938 "The Treatment of Canine Distemper with a Chemotherapeutic Agent, Sodium Sulfanilyl Sulfanilate" 0.00789579598721707
11. DOCID:14469 1940 "Massive Acute Precipitation of Free Sulfathiazole in the Urinary Tract" 0.00766451519019469
12. DOCID:14126 1939 "Seeds for the Study of Root and Root-Hair Structure in Botanical Laboratories" 0.00746495507274695
13. DOCID:13480 1936 "Fertility and Contraception in Urban Whites and Negroes" 0.00724714863118482
14. DOCID:14945 1942 "The Relation of Urinary Citric acid Excretion to the Menstrual Cycle and the Steroidal Reproductive Hormones" 0.00711261470928795